kick out both fala and kate both sucks hard. give mc jin like 2 mins of screentime. Then movie might be good.
alright the plot is pretty lame... it'll be interesting to see how this movie does laughing and co. justice.
wai revive bai co its dumb! its like they have no actors under their contracts...oh wait that bitch virginia lok drove them away hahhaa.
g.a.s.p. hmmm waddaya think d next plots gonna b? like: "HEY LOOK! i was just working on human clone-ing and ta da! here are d 10 replicas of me!" hmmm.
Plot sounds kinda crap lol Will still watch it though lol Fala Chen is not in the cast list so hopefully no "revived' Fala lol Or maybe that isn't the complete cast list... Cool to see King Kong in it; makes me wonder if he's playing the same character as the one he played in E.U. Francis Ng is supposed to be dead from Turning Point but dunno what character he'll play yet...
Nooooo not BaiCo again! So wanna shove him outa d window and... well... huh people should die and stay dead.
Laughing served a life long sentence in prison because he killed Michael. But it says Michael's killer was someone else..?