lol i think this vid was made before they even started... hahaha jayo ur games won't work on mee....eventually u'll succumb and sing thats how i roll-woot2 DO IT DO IT JAYOoooooo GOGOGOGO
new song.... Ivana Wong's 我真的受傷了 I guess I'm back in. Sorry it's kinda low on volume cause I recorded at like 3AM T___T lol not very good. Original:
Ho Ging Arr... dont hear any major difference with the original song Go Hype this singing thing up again
WOW. Phil don't be such a buttface. KT ^^ I just remembered to listen to it. : X things have been busy lately soo I apologize. HOWEVER, you sound beautiful, as always : ) //edit BTW>>> I just listened to the original. You did it amazingly. : O
lum lei gor sei yun tou , if a begger did a dance you would get lummed by it , Mui Mui became so easy -_-