haha... i lived in japan for two years so i can speak and write about 1000 kanji... but omgsh do you know what helps a TON once you can read hiragana/katakana? Watch karaoke... like the ones with the subtitles that have kanji and the yomikata [reading] on top... then you learn lots of kanji... and also watch jdrama with english subtitles at the bottom... then you'll start picking out words you know and eventually you'll learn grammar and how people really speak to one another... good luck everyone! and if anyone has a question... feel free to ask! =]
I don't think that the japanese is so difficult( for me) My language is spanish so I don't have problems with the pronunciation!!! and since I'm studing chinese the kanjis are not that difficult, I practice it watching anime (raw of course)and reading manga (raw ) it's the best way to practice it you should try practicing by reading raw manga , there you practice reading hiragana , katakana and kanji , if you don't know kanji get a manga that has hiragana above the kanji , and if you don't know a word search it in the diccionary ( you also learn new words)(the raw manga it's easier to find on the net than the books)
I'm trying to learn and it's hard because I have no one to learn with. I can't practice. I listen to Jap music and watch Jap movies, which helps me pick out certain words.. but I can't make out a whole sentence easily. It's a hard language to master, that's for sure.
Japanese is hecka hard to learn. My friend is teaching me. Im lucky XD Im planning to learn Spanish. Is it hard?
I learned the Hiragana currently and I know a few Kanji but thats all I know except a few common phrases and other words (which spelling I do not know.. I can only speak them)^^
i learned japanese long time ago and since i don't use it much and i totally forgot about it..but can still remember some easy ones.. and now i'm learning korean..i found it pretty easy to learn~ haha..i enjoy learning it~
dope Been learning japanese for a while I belive that to learn japanese it best if you watch movies with subs.Nothing to compare with other languages. I speak Slovene;Albanian,Italian,English and some other languages which are less difficult but Japanese is the toughest one. Still keepin in learning though. jamatane
it definitely helps if you know at least one other language because then you aren't always stuck in the english grammatical structure & trying to think in english.. : ) but japanese is still really hard for me. I have the most trouble with the particles.. can't ever remember which one goes where, and my intuition totally does NOT WORK
I would love to learn japanese, but it's not as easy as it sounds. It would make it a lot easier if I was to be around Japanese people. I tried once, to speak Japanese, I watched anime, listening to Japanese song, but I didn't improve much. =[
What maruko13 said about watching karaoke videos and such, it's the same exact thing my friend who studied a lot of japanese recommended me doing to quickly learn kanji. i just hate the way how some teachers teach you
yo..mina-san!! i'm learning japanese too!! but this year(my second) i had to drop it early this year bcoz of some health problem..but now..i'm trying to learn by myself till the next semester so i can begin again my current year!! it's hard but it's pleasant once u write ur first hiragana/katakana word!! gambatte kudasai mina-san!! -flow