viet is not a very good language to learn =] learn korean, canto, mandarian, or jap, because they are more widely used
vietnamese is not something you would wake up one day and want to learn it. but so is any other language. realistically, learning the language to fit in where you are is nessesary, so ... learning canto, mandarin, korean, japanese, vietnamese, or any other language is preatty much useless if you are living somewhere like california (US) where people uses spanish and english everyday in most areas.
Vietnamese isn't as hard as you make out seeing as it's spoken similar to how it's writtten. I really need to learn myself. My cousin taught me some when I was in Vietnam.
I'm Vietnamese and I don't think that Vietnamese is very hard to learn.. The alphabet and the pronounciation of words is somewhat similar to english, with a few exceptions.
Hm... I think vietnamese is a hard language especially if you didn't grow up learning it or hearing it. Some words are like tongue twister sometimes.
yehh its kinna hard to say some words like dong mah my some ppl say it differently and all. its so wierd.
i admit..some viet words that you speak and the those words that are written down are diff..i'm viet and i'm currently trrying to read in vietnamese..and there are some hard parts..
I think that speaking and reading vietnamese is not hard but writing is a little. Think cause i'm chinese
I think its okay. The only thing that might trip ppl are the accents. otherwise, the english-like alphabet letters should be okay.