-lol I'm chinese too and my bf ist also viet and we are together for 4 years too ... I know some viet words, but I've to say is very hard to learn viet ...
-lol I'm chinese too and my bf ist also viet and we are together for 4 years too ... I know some viet words, but I've to say is very hard to learn viet ...
Really..? I think learning english is the most hardest of all languages. Vietnamese is 10x is easier than english though. People think english is easier because they learned it first. In Canada they force kids to learn both english and french and it's a bitch to learn french but I consider myself lucky since I already know english.
I don't think vietnamese is hard to learn or any language, but you have to keep practicing it or you lose it, I can speak english, vietnamese and a little cantonese. I kept with the vietnamese because I'm vietnamese by origin i think it be wrong to lose your own language lol hehe oh look its my first post haha
ionno my dad said it was pretty easy since he learned it pretty quickly from my mom, so eh... the only thing i know is Du Ma
haha thats not the sort of thing you want to be learning...but you forgot the mai...but you dont want to be learning that either! One of the things you can learn is "cam on" for thanks or when your stuck "Khong biet" = dont know, like me right now...khong biet viet vietnamese - I can't write vietnamese
It's okay the first thing you learn in a foreign language is usually hello, good bye, thank you, sorry, or any of the swear words lol..
I agree, Vietnamese is a hard language to learn, it's not impossible to learn, and can easily be learned with dedication and hard work, but because of the different tone levels, it makes it hard to annunciate.
i could understand vietnamese like for half a conversation, learned to write basic cause my teacher didn't teach me anything, but forgot after i switched to spanish class back in high school lols, but learning to write vietnamese is surely easier than learning to write chinese...
i find viet easy to speak and understand but writing is kinda hard like the difference between dau nga and dau hoi.
Yes, Vietnamese is hard to learn and it isn't common but I love it . If you really want to study Vietnamese, you should be hard and practice it everyday. I think it's necessary to learn all languages. Its alphabet is similar English's. I think pronunciation is quite hard for overseas people but me because i'm vietnamese.^-^
I can only speak Vietnamese, but I don't think it's really that hard to learn, especially since the words are really close to how they are pronounced. That's how I taught myself to kind of read Vietnamese. But some words are just too dang hard to say.
Vietnamese is pretty hard too learn. I was born there but i left and came to america. Growing up I was taught to speak more canto and english because of my surroundings. up to now i can only understand simple viet. I guess if you really want to learn. You have to start using it everyday. Good luck.
lol, when i went to viet in summer or all i heard my relative was saying 'lam/lum gwa' LMAO. i think this means 'it's hot'? or i'm hot? ....
Yeah the marks make it so difficult... I learned Vietnamese for a semister. I went to vietnam for a few times. I have forgot all the things i had learned...
Vietnamese is hard to learn, the pronuciation, the idioms are really hard to master, but once you master Vietnamese, you'll find it interesting.