Oh, snap, I'm graduating next year, too. I was going to stay in school until the economy picks up, but I was offered a good standing position at the place of my internship, so I'm probably just going to work there straight out of college. What are planning to do with your degree? Picked up a few articles from Karmaloop recently. They're having a blow out sale. http://www.karmaloop.com/bargain.aspx?VendorCode=&bysex=1&pricecode=&size=&subid=
27.) What is the last gift you received? denim shorts!! 28.) Do you have any piercings? If so, how many? One on eaach ear 29.) Would you rather be lonely or depressed? Depressed for sure 30.) What color shirt are you wearing right now? grey 31.) What are your favorite chips? hmm i dun really eat fried stuff dun wanna be "yeet hay"...dun wanna bite my tongue!!
^ well a lot of male celebs are following Bruno's footsteps/fashion.. I'm not surprised that Ecko will too
While im procrastinating... 1.) What is your name? *** 2.) How tall are you? 170 cm ish 3.) What is your favorite color/s? Blue 4.) What are you listening to? Joey Yung 5.) What month were you born in? January 6.) What language/s do you speak? Cantonese/English 7.) What is your favorite season? Winter 8.) Do you smoke? No 9.) Do you have any siblings? If so, how many? 1 younger brother, 1 younger sister 10.) What is your favorite store? 11.) Do you have a job? If so, what is it? Nope, no job 12.) How many rings are you wearing? None 13.) What color is your hair? Black 14.) What is the style of your hair? Medium length, and straight 15.) Do you wear glasses or contacts? Contacts and glasses 16.) What is your favorite name for a guy/girl? Phillip/Alice 17.) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope 18.) What is your favorite TV show? Bones 19.) What's your favorite color hair on the opposite gender? Black/Brown 20.) Do you have a car? If so, what kind/color? Not rally.. Got my L's and driving my parents Mercedes >.< 21.) What did you have for breakfast? Toast 22.) Where is your dream vacation? Europe 23.) Do you play an instrument? Been playing violin since I was 3, kinda laid back on it now.., also played piano for a year, also played double bass for a year. Want to learn the viola some time soon 24.) What was the last book you read? Da Vinci Code 25.) What is your favorite fruit? Watermelon 26.) What is your favorite dessert? Ice cream! 27.) What is the last gift you received? iPod Touch 28.) Do you have any piercings? If so, how many? None 29.) Would you rather be lonely or depressed? Depressed.. 30.) What color shirt are you wearing right now? Grey 31.) What are your favorite chips? Doritos Done. Back to HW >.<