LMAO!!! HAHAHA!!! -lol I always say that setence eveytime i had welsh lesson. Hahaha!! Rydw i'n hoffi nofio! hahaha!!! Can't believe this topic is STILL going!! hahaha!!!
swimming huh ?? haha ... nice -lol almost forgot what nofio meant, hvent done welsh in for 7 years !!!!
Reading is ok la but typing chinese is painful, i type chinese base on radicals not pinyin because i have no pinyin...lol
大家好吗? You must have an program to typ chinese. If you want to typ 'write' you write in the pin yin 'da'. 'Da' means 'write' in mandarin. But you must know what the chinese words means. Because 'da' also means 'big' in mandarin. 打= to write 大=big
you can use word to type chinese or any typing programs for that matter all u need is IME which can be downloaded free from the microsoft site just seach for chinese ....
皆さん、今日は!僕は白菜仔と申します。よろしく お願いします! 大家好! 我是新的。我叫"白菜仔"。 哈哈。我正在學習中日韓文,所以我會懂一點兒簡簡單單的句子。要是你納悶我到底是什麽人,其實我也是一個在美國出生長大的廣東人。你明顯的會看得出我的中文水平不太高,也不太好,請多多指教。^_^
哎呀! 你很棒啊...一邊學中文, 一邊學日文, 一邊學韓文! 難不難? 我也是美國人...你住在美國那裡? 我想問問大家...怎麼可以用廣東話的拼音來打中文? 現在我用我在學校學的國語中文拼音打中文,不太管. 有人知道嗎?
我d HK 朋友係用"快意速成輸入法"打中文 咁先可以容易d打出廣東話d比較特別d字/音 我都好似你地-用拼音打中文因為"速成"入法比較難,打得唔夠快所以我慣左用拼音 有時我覺得用拼音打廣東話好煩因為我頭腦裡邊係用廣東話諗,但係打出黎,我需要翻譯番去拼音 同埋平時廣東話d比較特別d字/音同普通話拼音一d都唔似 (ex. 唔-> canto係講"m"-但係Mandopinyin= "wu") 所以除左你努力d學"速成"入法,無咩其他方法打廣東話 或者你都可以好似我-背誦廣東話d比較特別d字/音既拼音係咩 (ex. 係="xi" 既="ji" )