wind2000, yeah, i'm developing it, and she speaks kind word, about how I am a great friend fun to talk to.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Don't know if she means it, or my personality really match up to that description, but it actually makes me feel very good nice words do have great magic.....
Just a second thought, I still cannot really distinguish Like and Love, some people was struck by the first sight, LUSt? is love possible , or just like............... Is this like a sense of captivating aura emit by that person ..or what
Sounds like you "like" her or as someone stated earlier, def. infatuation, however maybe infatuation can grow into love, I'm not sure.
sigh, i Don't care ABOUT Her anymore.... she've sicken me lol...... or I sicken myself... stupid love what the heck...
well, it's nothing, it's just i suck with girls man, I don't know what wrong.....with me... keep thinking about thing is to not see her anymore no nothing let it go... end up nowhere like this LIke and Love, definitly like, I can't distinguish *cr*p better leave before i do something foolish for her
rejected? not openly, some what on obscure level but no rejection. Maybe she was in a bad mood. I don't want to step up so reject or no reject mean nothing to me... the main problem with me is LIke OR LOVE dude
Babyrain, when u like or having emotional toward a person, i don't think u can clearly draw the line between it....