Charmaine Li has a strange voice when shes talking, shes like that in every series, I guess its personal prefence but if you ask me I thinks shes even worst. As of Linda her personality and image supasses Fala in my opinion. Fala really had this horrible china accent, it has gotten better but still sucks
fala chen and linda chung are very good in this series they aren't born in Hong Kong but their accent is really good as they an speak Cantonese very much and improves.
bad ending i don't like linda chung too and the ending is bad and tooooo sad. never believe human being can live with ghost, is it possible?
^ if you actually noticed, tvb gave more screen shots to fala in purpose, she enter the story at the beginning, while linda was second. There are so much shots of fala at the opening theme too, this is deliberate to promote her. In my opinion, LINDA IS BETTER, LOOKS AND PERSONALITY IN REAL LIFE, not in the show for me, directors can do whatever cuts they want and whoever they want to promote they do it.
i really wish they had something about the wolf and human love affair thing to be the central part of the story.. linda chung was kind of useless there..