Line Walker - 使徒行者

Discussion in 'Chinese Drama Discussion' started by shinobi, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    ankie is hawt!
  2. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    who is the 4th undercover if the 5th one just died?
  3. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    No wonder why Lam Fung was nice to KT, he basically got shot because of him. Can't be helped as it was accidental but I guess the guilt got to him as displayed in the flashback.

    So was that female ICAC person the "black cop"?

    What do you mean just died, Who?
  4. LyuShiki

    LyuShiki Well-Known Member

    Isn't the ICAC person the other UC? She can't be the "black cop" if she was the one who submitted the voice recording of there being one. Unless I misunderstood something...

    btw jdm, the one that died (think he just fell asleep after the beating) wasn't an undercover, he was just mistaken for one because of LF
  5. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    so the BUM was NOT a undercover correct?

    i wasnt sure if the bum fell asleep after the beating or is dead...

    "ah yee" aka sharon's assistant gave the voice recording to the dead undercover chief cop right?
  6. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    That is a possibility but it is quite unlikely for him to plant an undercover within the police force.

    KT, "the "BUM", is not one of the 5 UC.
    If you look at the scene carefully prior to "falling asleep", you will see him shuffling around (breathing) to gather warmth. Sure it may be a blooper but if you think through it carefully, if he died prior to "falling asleep", would LF, his partner, not call the ambulance or something to arrange his death? However, whether he dies or not it may not be relevant to the storyline since it appears that he was only introduced into the drama to reveal LF's real identity as one of the 5 UCs.

    Based on that scene it appears like it. He once enjoyed creating origami for his beloved daughter and attached to her monitor was one too, a swan to be specific. As the camera focuses on the swan and her, she can see that she had a sense of remorse, thereby implying that she did indeed cause his death.
  7. that Hung ying cocaine some strong stuff got LF all retarded :sp_ike_d:
  8. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    but it also showed us some funny scenes and good acting from LF and his

    so in conclusion is Michael miu now looking for 4 or 5 UC's?

    so the guy that got shot in the head "accidentally" and died is NOT a UC right? or was?

    man im so confused i need to watch this episode again
  9. hope that girl is a black cop...would be better for the story lol too many UC's!
  10. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    He was smart and played the safety card! Wasn't expecting him to have that antidote-like thing.

    Do you even read though?

    Should be revealed after next week or the week after I hope.
  11. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Yeah was cool that he carried it. Agreed, she's not one of the main characters though that's what threw me off.
  12. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    I am truly surprised that she is indeed one of the 5 UC :eek:
  13. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Ditto within ICAC as well, I wonder why though. And we know that Benz is ex CIB, there's still technically 1 more UC though right. I hope Sharon isn't considered the other UC though cause she's trying to go UC but doesn't seem to work out and yeah there's starting to be way too many people going UC now.
  14. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    I like the way how Lam Fung signalled Kobe and allowing him to reveal his identity. Always looking forward to the next episode
  15. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    When was that? I totally missed it out on that. I def love how Lam Fung had a way to access his phone through someone else's and to listen to the call that was placed, is there such an app for that :p? Kobe's sneaking a phone wasn't as unique as Seed's though.
  16. moonlightshadow

    moonlightshadow Well-Known Member

    hmm the boss could have tricked Lam fung though. Since he is ex cib he will know all the moscodes and stuff used to communicate.
  17. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    The bit when LF followed Kobe when he was making the phone call and overheard his conversation, then he decided to blow his cover and done the following
    Knock knock knock (LF: Own people?)....Knock Knock (Kobe: Yes)....[door opens]....Kobe: It's you!

    It must have been some police force stuff that allowed him to log into the server for that mall (Security office). He has strong analytical skills for sure! I don't understand how he realised that the security room is not in control just by looking at the security (they can't be the ones working there since the ones working there got knocked out and tied down). IMO Kobe way was cool too though, he separated the phone parts and assembled it but he wasn't smart enough to see if anyone was following.

    Yeah like the bit in the hospital when he was visiting Kobe and Charmaine was knocking on the wall. Luckily she was quick to react to the response which Kobe gave her.

    I still find it weird how he fell for it. LF and Charmaine in the toilet making love, Kobe telling him that the guy was the UC (snitch). Really?
  18. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Wait is that part in Chapter 12? If it is then ok...haha I haven't watched today's chapter yet...
  19. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Yeah, today's episode, which is indeed EP12. Thought you would have seen it already, especially when you're in HK
  20. moonlightshadow

    moonlightshadow Well-Known Member

    haha i dont read this thread until i have watched it =)