lol saw this on the net.....i think its kinda old....but funny so i thought i'll share it eg. 1.貪慕虛榮 2.咩都要男人比錢 3.口頭話唔愛港男,實際上係溝唔到 4.話男友花心,自己又去溝仔 5.咩都要男人就哂佢 6.成日幻想同醫生/律師一齊 7.豬扒冇人要就係到話D港男唔敢高攀佢 8.成日發姣,以為可以吸引男人 9.扮可愛,行為幼稚 10.成日溝仔,人地唔受就扮可憐 11.自以為是 12.喜歡名牌,冒牌都照買 13.浪費金錢 14.用英文以為自己好高級,港式英語 15.扮潮,個個髮型差唔多 16.以為自己好索 17.幻想周街D男人成日望佢,其實人地係對弱智人士好奇 18.以為昆到男人D錢好勁 19.要人請食飯 20.扮冇帶銀包 21.為幾十蚊係到嘈 22.喜歡落bar溝仔 23.花過多時間/金錢打扮,但又唔係靚 24.咩都唔識但又要條仔咩都識 25.成日唔比條仔同其他女仔講野,自己經常遼其他男仔 26.自認處女 27.經常要男人幫佢做工人,拎野 28.喜歡八卦雜誌 29.娛樂新聞滔滔不絕,時事經濟冇樣識 30.唔做野要條仔養 31.成日幻想嫁個有錢人 32.串人但又串唔起 33.話條仔叫雞,自己又玩一夜情 34.以為自己好多人溝 35.經常買衫,事後要男人找數 36.自己病左要24小時服侍,條仔病又唔理 37.生日要人送鑽戒 38.成日買化妝品,出親街化濃妝 39.在網上跟其他港女分享溝仔心得,但90%係老作 40.十幾廿歲成日飛人,30歲之後又恨嫁 41.幾十歲仲鍾意HelloKitty但又批評喜歡日本動漫的香港男性為"毒男" 42.經常打人,男人還手就話蝦女仔 43.唔買貴野就話冇誠意 44.喜歡閱讀愛情小說,幻想自己是女主角 45.次次都係行商場,冇D新意 46.對自己有利就話男女平等,唔係就係到講風度 47.喜歡話男人樣衰但自己又唔照鏡 48.同一件衫著一兩次就唔要 49.成日上交友網溝仔 50.成日講是講非 51.成堆八婆講八卦野,唔比條仔插嘴 52.唔比男友睇靚女,自己迷戀男明星 53.貪錢 54.為左錢可以放棄一切 55.有錢果時千依百順,冇錢即刻飛 56.全身上下起碼幾千(包括衫,鞋,飾物) 57.以為自己大哂,成日發老脾 58.要條仔愛佢一生一世但往往係佢自己飛人 59.飛左條仔後又搵番個男仔話自己寂寞,冇人理 60.分手後將個男仔D資料(名,電話,地址)四圍公開 61.佢自己做既野永遠係岩,有咩都係條仔錯 62.咩事都以分手作要脅 63.同個男人一齊第一件事係幫佢「保管」存摺 64.成日屈男仔 65.外表斯文,內裡open 66.冇見識,睇唔起大陸人,覺得大陸人都係雞 67.識男仔第一樣睇樣,第二樣睇錢 68.明明唔睇書但又要扮有學識 69.迷信星座 70.冇時間一日唔打電話比佢就以為條仔有外遇 71.對男友諸多要求又唔比反駁 72.頭腦簡單 73.人地話咩都信,毫無判斷力 74.過份崇尚西方國家,唔係外國野唔買 75.電腦白痴,除左上網咩都唔識,256同512都未必識分 76.經常用自以為感性的字句 77.用自己男友跟別人比較 78.衡量一個人永遠係用錢 79.盲目跟隨潮流 80.網上分享和男友既野,冇D私隱 81.食飽飯冇野做上she.com批評香港男人
1.Shallow 2.wants the guy to pay for everything 3.says they don't like hk guys, but they just can't get them 4.they say their bfs like more than one girl at the same time, but go and meet lots of guys themselves 5.they have to get their way 6. always imagine being with a lawyer/doctor 7.if they're ugly and no one wants them, they just say that hk guys aren't good enough for them 8.act slutty all the time, coz they think they can seduce men 9.act cute, and do childish things 10.tries to pull guys all the time, when they get rejected they act the victim 11.self-centred brands, will still buy fakes 13.waste money 14.they use english and think they're high class, but it's crappy hk english 15.try to be trendy, all their haircuts look the same 16.think of themselves as very sexy 17.they always think that guys are staring at them, but they're just curious about mentally retarded people 18.they think they're rly good coz they conned money off men 19.demand that ppl treat them to meals 20. pretend to have forgotten their purses 21.argue over less than $100 to go to bars to meet guys 23.spend too much time and money on dressing up but aren't pretty 24.they know nothing, but want their bfs to know everything 25.don't let their bfs talk to other girls, but they talk to boys often 26.claim to be a virgin 27.demand that their bfs be their servants and hold their bags gossip mags news about celebrities, don't know anything about current affairs and the economy 30.don't work and live off their bfs 31.dream about marrying a rich dude 32.串人但又串唔起 (not sure how to translate) 33.accuse their bfs of calling hookers, but they have one night stands 34.think loads of guys are after them 35.buys clothes all the time, but the bfs has to pay for them 36.demand 24 hour care when they're ill, but ignore their bfs when they're ill 37.demand diamond rings for their bdays make up all the time, put loads on when they go out 39. share dating tips with other hk girls online, but 90% are just made up 40. dump guys all the time when they're young, after 30, they are desperate for marriage 41.they still live hello kitty when they're old, but criticse hk guys for like manga 42.hit ppl all the time, and act the victim when the guy defends himself 43.they say there's no point in not buying expensive things 44.likes to read romance novels, imagines self as main character 45.all they want to do is go to shopping centres, no originality about gender equality when its useful, but then go on about guys being gentlemen when they need help pointing out ugly guys, but they don't look in a mirror 48.wear clothes once or twice and then throw them away guys on the internet all the time 50.gossips all the time 51dont let guys talk when hk girls gather together and gossip 52.don't let their guys look at hot girls, but they're obsessed with male stars 54.can give up everything for money you when u have money, leave when you don't 56.the clothes shoes and accesories they wear always add up to several thousand dollars 57.think they're the centre of the world, throw tantrums all the time 58.want the guy to love them forever, but its always them that dumps the guy cba to do anymore from here
the choon isn't as in string/manipulate, it's like.. being cocky? i see why you wouldve thought that tho...