~*~ Long distance relationships ~*~

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by signupmember, Apr 16, 2006.

  1. wchong87

    wchong87 Member

    I experienced it once as I went to Perth, Western Australia for my further studies meanwhile my girl still with her education back in Malaysia. Seriously, long distance relationship need a lot more effort to keep de relation in contact. Must have trust between the two and also patience.
  2. NYGirl83

    NYGirl83 Active Member

    I'm in a LDR right now. We went out for a year in undergrad where we saw each other almost everyday, but then we graduated and went to grad school. Been a year and a half since and he makes the 8-9 hour drive to where I am a weekend a month, so it's not too bad. Now we're both job-hunting, so hopefully we'll end up back in the same place again. :)
  3. dong_phuong12345

    dong_phuong12345 New Member

    c'mon everybody, out of sight, out of mind!!! (99% true) if you happen to see ursef belong to the 1% left then i wish you love (" ,)
  4. dlj

    dlj Member

    Like everyone says, it really depends on the two people, the environment, and the dedication. One of my friends was in a r/s for about a year and a half and his gf decided to back to hk. Seeing that he just graduated, he wanted to stay in Canada for opportunities, so their r/s ended.

    Now, i have another friend, who's in a r/s for about 2 years now. He's in Canada, his gf, though, is in China. They're still going strong. He goes back every Christmas to spend time with her and while he's in Canada, they webcam, call, skype, whatever. It's all about the communication and dedication they put forth.

    I myself have been in long d relationships. I go to school in Waterloo while my ex was in Toronto. Although it's not that much of a distance, it's still 1.5h away. I go back to Toronto occasionally on weekends to see her and when i'm at school, i msn, call, sms, web cam, etc.

    Right now, i'm in California and my current gf is in Toronto. It's hard to fly back because of the cost of the tickets, but we talk on the phone, msn, web cam. It's harder now, because of the time zone difference, but we try to make the best of whatever time we got. But i'm only here in Cali for 4 months, not like 2-3 years, so i guess it's different for me.

    In the end, if you guys really like each other and are willing to make some sacrifices (which you will and must in order to keep the long d r/s) then you will find ways to make it work.

    Communication is key.
  5. zippyw8

    zippyw8 Well-Known Member

    i have witness a few, chances of survival is low. trust and maturity is so important.
  6. little_angel_846

    little_angel_846 Active Member

    it depends how committed u and ur partner are! if u guyz realli love each other....if seeing each once a year will work too~ if both of u guyz are committed and have enuf trust for each other, then it will work out~
  7. edmundteh

    edmundteh Well-Known Member

    started off 1yr, she went studies.
    kept in touch thru mailers and phones & emails.
    came bck after 1yr, suddenly there was this awkward cooling period for 2-3mths.
    kick-off again. for another yr.

    conclusion...WONT last.
  8. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    I dunno if this is long distance... but my ex used to live in the north of holland and i live in the south... like more than 3,5 hours travelling when u go from my place to his... Its do-able... we were together for 2,5 years and i didnt really mind the travelling... id stay weekends at his place or he would come to my place for a weekend... the only thing is... u never have any weekends open for ur friends...which kinda sux
  9. don

    don ello

    it's really hard to keep it together
  10. inventorybox

    inventorybox Active Member

    for long distance relationship, the little things u do means a lot to the other side.. for example, that person suddenly received a gift from u for no reason, written on the card some sweet words, it really does means a lot to that person.
  11. SpareribsQ

    SpareribsQ Active Member

    long distance relationships simply do not work. sure in the short run its fine and everything, but for it to last, you must either move to where she is or for her to move to where you are living.

    regardless of how often you speak or email them, physical interaction will always be lacking. which leads to disinterest in the relationship in the long term.
  12. Kher89

    Kher89 Well-Known Member

    Face the reality.80% cannot maintain the love.U will find other better ones that can accompany u.
  13. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    i guess i'm one of the few that have managed to make it work. he lives in the states and we've been together for 3 years now. i do admit that it takes A LOT of work. but i think that if it is important enuf to u, then no matter wat, it would work.
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    So where do u live...?

    I believe it can work... like my cousin.... he met a girl in thailand...and after a few years they got married and have a lil bb son... they live happily together now...and no she didnt do it for the green card or whatever cuz shes a high educated woman so...
  15. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    t dot!!!
  16. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Ooohhhh...i see... and how far/long u gotta travel...
    So cool that its actually working out the right way for u...
    I thought 3,5 hours was pretty long... but thats the longest ill go... dont wanna have to take a flight to see my bf... cant do that... when i wanna see my bf... i wanna SEE my bf
  17. edmundteh

    edmundteh Well-Known Member

    agreed. look how happy i am now.
  18. SpareribsQ

    SpareribsQ Active Member

    cool. its takes a lot of work like you said.... both sides have to be on the same page in making the relationship last. i'm glad it works for you...but usally only one person in a particular relationship is willing to go the extra mile. just like any other relationship.
  19. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    yeah, i thought i was like that too. but when it's right, u gotta do wat u gotta do right? Good luck to anyone that is struggling with long distance too!
  20. edmundteh

    edmundteh Well-Known Member

    same here. but lasted bout 3.5yrs.
    not tryin to pour cold water over you.
    but what if, WHAT IF, he suddenly announce he has found someone in the states.