BB, I feel you. I'm somehow a master at losing things. Currently I cannot find my new gloves (worn once), iphone 4 bumper (which I got from Apple and never got to even use once), new makeup pallette (used once), 1 earring of handfuls of pairs, receipts (for returning/exchanging things).. just to name a few. I don't know where these things go! Grrr. And the worst is always losing things at the times you need it. Sometimes I see things sitting around for days and then the ONE day i need it, it's gone. I also hate my "secret safe place" to put things. I always forget where that "safe" place is.
^ psssh whutever... okies i give it a few more days....i just need to change the subject when we talk about it =] today..lost my car keys my friend had to come and pick me up.. >_<
I have lost my motivation. It's a shame this motivation could get me to graduate for my final exam too/...
I lost my Nintendo DS at home. I think my mom took it away because I was playing with it and not doing my work.
This would be under home insurance and she'd have to pay a deductible.. probably 500-1000 pounds. You never use home insurance for small stuff. You'll often lose any yearly discounts on your premium the moment you file a claim.
^ you lose 'yearly discounts' on car claims too...unless ya have that 'bonus protection' thingy... well i still couldnt find it....i got one of my friends to act as my long as its a guys voice its all i paid for the new copies of the certs. and they should arrive in 10 working days =_= as for far so everything..
i think ive exceeded it...nows....ive lost a shoe..!!!.. how can an entire shoe go missing..!!!....=/ ive looked all over for it....and it was the one i wanted to wear to day too... so had to wear something else =___="