Now this is a real tough one cause i love all 4 of them....Lychee, i like it cold its real juicy and sweet but occasionally slightly sour..Longan, they are the bomb too easy to eat and real delicious last but not least rambutan real nice too but i do not like the brownish skin of the seed..Annoys the hell out of me....By the way, have you guys heard of or try the species where they mixed rambutan with lychee...-rolleyesYummy as..
Lol. I love all three of them. I just ate longan yesterday. It was really sweet. And all these fruit are easily available in my area and they are not too expensive. Lychee is a little sour sometimes but it can be really delicious.
Longan is the not always the best and the best is lychee but sometimes it had bad taste like sour or bitter.
ohhh rambutan that hairy one mmm it tastes more like lychee than logan, the ones i've had were a little bit towards a sweetish sour ahaha not sure how to describe it >.<
longans are the best heh heh.. but you have to go to asian to get the big juicy ones. the ones here in the US are so small and dont taste as good
i actually didn't know what Rambutan is until i looked it up. never had it so.....between....lychee n longan.....i pick lychee cause its sweeter
i prefer all 3 of them. btw there are many types of rambutan. the short hair rambutan is the easiest to eat