Hi, Im Cantonese too although its not very good - can just about manage a conversation (because I speak Hak Ga at home). I dont know any mandarin either but would love to learn one day
i am cantonese and can speak canto fluently...but currently learning mandarin by myself throught tw series...i like that language! want to speak it fluently one day =)
cantonese ^^. i was forced in to chinese school too, and it actually did help me. i can read some, and write some. i can actually listen and understand an alright amount of mandarin too, but i just can't find the words to speak heh
im canto too....haha..but i can speak in mandarin too...cox my frens speaking mandarin 2 me...i speak canto cox my dad...he speak canto 2 me..tats y i noe canto..and im from a canto family..all my family members speak canto....