This is my reproduction of a poster that was for Quantum of Solace. The ground and the gun are both copied from the original poster, but the sky I made myself in Photoshop. That really is me in the photo, I did not copy my head onto Daniel Craig's body lol. It was for an club event for a club at my college, so it's a bit rushed. I admit there's a lot of glaring errors. Still, I had fun making it . I am obviously not as good looking as Daniel Craig, so feel free to laugh at me for that.
Damn! That looks good! Lol... Only the left arm is positioned slightly different. The leg, face etc are perfect >.<.
why didn't you just photoshop your head onto his body... if you were gonna go through the work of photoshopping the rest of the pic anyway?
Nice job, you guys were lucky no cops were around, I swear they would had pull their guns out and yelled at you guys afterwards. Know from experiences...>.>
^i think he did say that he copied the gun and the ground from the original poster, meaning he didn't use a gun in the photoshoot.