Meeting girls in public?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Kachi_no_Kemuri, May 4, 2007.

  1. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    ^Honey i thanked everyone

    i only thanked kenshi in japanese cause he replied in japanese.

    So yes thank you as well...if its any better here are some kisses and hugs...XD
  2. im sure you would do just fine, if you havent already introduced yourself then you should because if you already approached her several times its only natural that you extend the hand and introduce yourself but of course have a reason to approach her dont just walk up to the girl and introduce yourself, there has to be a set up (verbal) before you are allowed to, like kensai said to get her number isnt as hard as getting her to be comfortable with you for her to give it to you.

    you could also say:
    Hey, whenever you are free, would you mind hanging out together?
    (obviously there has to be a conversation before hand for this one above)

    or you can approach her with:
    It seems I catch you quite often at this bus stop, how are you? My name is ....
    ------after that its kinda up to you to strike upi the convo.....
  3. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    Brillant!!! Loved the tip!!! Thanks hun!! :)