Hmmm...well in the reverse..I think guys with long hair just looks untidy! Well it depends on the person really...but I saw some guy on the bus...and his hair was proper manky! Ewwww!! If ur someone like Nic Tse then u can pull it off...Ho ying ar!!-blush2
Who says!! Guys are 'meant' to have short hair then? Then why does girls have long hair and guys have long hair!! Stop bein so sexist!
^ Dog!! Whatever he says u say!! >.<" Dun u have ur own opinion!? If he says hand hand, u will give him? Yeh yeh!! U need to learn to have ur own opinions ar!!
^ s2pid seeen dee!! another rule is that women should never interupt men when they're watching sports with their buds
So some girls wanna be ugly.. lol jk jk, yes yes im sure not everyone is just about looks, personality counts