Michael jackson dead!

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by DragonK550i, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. when one of your parents or children die maybe some person can find something to laugh about
  2. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    RIP MJ. we lost a legend D:
  3. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    Master_ G i dont want to be rude but have u even read what i put before your post ...... and im not laughing at him dying .. i appreciate his music and i do think he is a music legend ... and why are you bringing my family and children into this?
  4. ^ i didn't say you was laughing at his death directly, yesterday someone lost a father and a son and the circumstances surrounding his death seems to make you laugh, hence the example. I did read what you said, else i wouldnt have had anything to respond to. hope you understand what i was saying now.
  5. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    death isnt funny regardless the reason
  6. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Why don't you die in a fire so we can laugh about how ironic it is?
  7. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    are you serious? he was never convicted of being a pedophile or child molester. And i Believe he would never do anything like that so for anyone who thinks that way of him, fuck you all. You would think Michael Jackson was happy being in the spotlight since he was 5. He was raised as Jehovah's witness but he also missed out on his childhood and said he was abused by his father. Yes is he a child but how can you blame him for the bad times he had when he was a child, he is just trying to live happily and being a child makes him happy. Yes he admits to sleeping with kids in the same bed but that does not mean he is a pedophile or trying to molest them. He just wanted to give kids love which kids should deserve. He was a nice person. He just wants people to love him and not take advantage of him. Yes he did have multiple plastic surgeries but a lot of celebrities do that to spoil themselves and people should not judge him because of that. He also had vitiligo which is a skin disease that caused his skin to change colours and sunlight became his enemy.

    i don't know about you guys but Michael Jackson was an iconic figure. He changed pop and even though he is not here with us, he lives through many singers such as usher and justin timberlake whom was influenced by Michael Jackson's dance and style. There will never be a replacement of the King of Pop. He even dedicated a song for charity "we are the world" and the proceeds went to Africa. It is Bullshit that there are still many that emphasize the negatives and false allegations about him and not even knowing the person he is. As much as i am a big Eminem fan, i couldn't even watch videos that mocked Michael Jackson. Aside from everything i know that there are a great population that appreciates what he has done for pop and the changes he made that made pop more popular.

    I hope you guys will stop joking around about Michael Jackson in the future and appreciate what he has done.

    R.I.P Michael Jackson
  8. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    exactly, he should be remembered for the good things hes done. he probably was the one who bridged the gap between blacks and whites in pop culture and his music as well as his dance greatly influence other artists, not just western artists but asian artists too. without his music, some of the music we know today wouldnt even exist.
  9. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    @ master_g yeah i understand ....
    @natsu .. i noooesss im sorry
    @ kontra how does some one burning in a fire make it ironic ?? how long do you see in the news that some one was burnt alive??? it was ironic because the amount of celebs that OD'd on drugs or that are still taking heavy drugs.....
  10. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    How would MJ's death be considered "ironic"?
  11. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    didnt you read my other post?? it was announce by his speach person that he took/prescribed numerous types of drugs for his forthcoming tours ....... it also said that because he wanted his tours to be GRAND so he was working very hard that why he was prescribed for them
  12. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    damn ultim8camper u really say some retarded shit man first in the hog threads and now here.
  13. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    The man has been in poor physical health for quite some time. I don't see what's wrong with him taking medication.

    Even if he was taking additional medication to prepare for the show, what part of him dying from it was funny to you?
  14. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    the autopsy isn't even finished yet.... you are only assuming at this point.
  15. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ^ wait huh ?? what i done now?? i agree that he was an epic guy and a legend .... .. i dont even know why there soo much heat going on atm .. and i am only 15 sooo .. and im quite retarded ... set 3 in english and maths ........... i know you all respect him and that it was a great loss and that but all im saying is that he took drugs to relief stress but now he has passed away ..... im not thinking oh hahaha he OD so hes now fucking dead ..... all im saying is that
    from kontra
    @ kontra ARGGGHHHH i dont find it funny ..... im just laughing at the irony NOT HIS DEATH
    @kdotc cause his family/close friends and supervisers and workers had press conferences and talked about it ..... ive been watching bbc non stop .. thats why ... ARGGGHHHH
    #75 ultim8camper, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009
  16. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Yeah i heard it this morning at work.... dunno what to say *shrugs*
  17. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    link me to where the family said he OD on the drugs please
  18. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

  19. wingli

    wingli Well-Known Member

    we lose such talented singer! moreover a come back concert was expected in london 2 weeks later, those fans must be disappointed
  20. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    he was prescribed painkillers actually and these were because he was trying to make a great show for everybody and even then it isn't confirmed that this is the cause of his death. it could have been pressure as he was going to do 50 shows which is loads. we don't know his true death till the post mortem autopsy results come out. but all i know is he is a true legend and his music and dance was spectacular. no one else can replace him and it is very unfortunate that he has died. i hope his children are well cared for bcos i know that he had a rough childhood and wanted everyone else to recieve a better childhood and now he is dead, his children are without a father. the people that accuse him of being a pedophile, he so isn't, he never seemed the type in my eyes and the courts proved that he was innocent. furthermore, he has given so much to society with his music and through charities throughout the years truly making him a legend. so to all u haters, just respect him man and let him RIP. i hate how there are people who write jokes about his death. there is nothing funny about it.