Michael jackson dead!

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by DragonK550i, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member

    I was surprised and shock to hear of this news.
    I first heard of it from facebook.

    Soooo many people on their statuses with "R.I.P M.J".
  2. i liked his movie too, i really liked when he transformed into a car and that crazy robot lol
  3. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member


    Speaking of being brainwashed, how about all the ppl (or sheeps) probably flooding to the stores buying his CD or downloading his music after his death.

    Yeah he was a great musician and entertainer, but there is death happening everyday but when an entertainer dies the fucking world mourns, and why because they gave us joy through their music or movies?
  4. ^ thats just how it is.

    as for the CD, maybe they like his music or appreciate it now the source is gone, its known fact that music sells more when the artist dies anyway. many mourn cus many like them, its fact that there is more people in the world who love (whatever that means nowadays) MJ more than me and you.. so more mourners.. simple really (Y)
  5. whats wrong with that? michael jordan may inspire through the greatness of sport why can't michael jackson or another entertainer that may have brought a little joy, inspiration or entertainment through peoples lives? anyways you need to understand michael jackson was more then just an entertainer , he broke racial barriers and united a world through music.
  6. ^ didnt micheal jordan used alot of drugs? :p
  7. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    i know, i'm just saying that a lot of people believe he is even though he has never been convicted. and this is because the media is always making him look bad

    well yes death happens everyday but it is not publicized like this. i do think the reason many people mourn for famous people such as michael jackson is partly because of the media, but not completely. his music really did do a lot and like ang (hadouken) says, he did break racial barriers. so to lose someone that did so much through his music feels like a great loss
  8. what the hell?!

    i'm actually offended you said that because of ignorance and that you or ur source totally made it up!, anyways when his day comes it will be just as big as jacksons , he's more then just a game
  9. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    ah ha! LOL ~ i saw that just now
  10. person

    person Well-Known Member

    That's true. Today, I bought his 92 concert dvd. I probably wouldn't have bought his DVD today if he wasn't dead. Then again, the store probably would've have put it out front either if it wasn't for the news.
  11. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    is it bad that i rly don't care?... i just find it incredibly funny that the guys that paid off MJ's debt and lined up his revival tour just got screwed out of millions... and if that shit was insured, then the tax payers just got screwed by MJ's death...

    i guess everyone in the US will be paying for MJ's funeral then eh?
  12. life's a bitch expect the unexpected -rotfl you really think he meant to die and screw people over <_<

    what if it were andy lau or someone you liked , let the concert promoters deal with it wasn't his fault to die on purpose unless that was the case just to screw people over.
  13. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    The man inspired a lot of the people in the music industry today and one of the people that build the foundation of the pop culture. The people who don't get why so many people are mourning for him probably wasn't around when he was at his height of his career and how he influenced so many different kind of people.
  14. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    i meant i first saw it on facebook

    btw i thinkthat MJ is just continuing the story of Peter Pan that's why he has so many kids round his house.. coz Peter Pan never wants to be a grown up and likes to have un with other kids... i think that's why he loves kids so much
  15. ttl

    ttl Well-Known Member

    R.I.P. ...lot of celebrity dying this year
  16. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    MJ never really had a childhood so when he was older, he mentally became more childlike and people just think it's odd. When you are with young kids or watch kids playing in the park, don't they make you happy and cheerful and wish you were a kid again.
  17. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    ^ of course im not saying Jacko is weird for thinking like a kid coz i still do and still act like one when i should really grow up and take my responsibilities more seriously
    thing was tho, he never had a childhood coz of his career in the Jackson 5 and the fact he was beaten and disapproved by his dad, if you watched one of the docuentaries by BBC, you hear MJ always say that his dad doesnt like this on him or he beats him coz he didn't like what he had done
  18. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    You just proved my point how brainwashed some people are, they just care about the news in Hollywood instead of other people who are actually trying to make difference the world. Don't ask me who they are because they never get the recognition and coverage like the celebrities do.

    I find it kinda sad that it takes death for people to fully appreciate his what he has done. In fact a lot of people made fun of him for being accused of child molestation and his weird behavior. Call me heartless but whenever a celebrity dies, I feel a little sad but i do not mourn for a person i do not know. But lately you can't stop hearing about Micheal's death and ppl saying good things about him and how he has done so much music, that really gets on my nerves how some ppl that usually mock him now praises him.

    What pisses me off is that the record companies are going to come out with a new with unreleased or remaster CD to exploit his death. I guess according to a lot of people that it is OK for companies to make money off a death of a human being.

    I have overheard some ppl in the office say that his death meant more them then a death of a family member and that is fucked. I don't even care if they aren't close or don't get along with a family member they are still related by blood, and for them to have more feelings for a stranger then family member death is really fucked.

    What I'm trying to say is that we shouldn't hold celebrities in such high standards.
  19. hem

    hem Well-Known Member

    This is very sad news indeed.
  20. i disagree that i proved your point but w/e, more CD's will be sold and i guess his children will get more money so i see no problem with that, if people want it then there you go. As for the office thing, as unusual as it is, maybe they are that attached to MJ to say what they said, but that is their stance on the matter and you have yours.

    your last sentence i agree with but what you and I think will make no difference.

    As for people who made a difference in the world, these are the known charities MJ has worked with, but does it make a difference?

    • AIDS Project L.A.
    • American Cancer Society
    • Angel Food
    • Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles
    • BMI Foundation, Inc.
    • Brotherhood Crusade
    • Brothman Burn Center
    • Camp Ronald McDonald
    • Childhelp U.S.A.
    • Children's Institute International
    • Cities and Schools Scholarship Fund
    • Community Youth Sports & Arts Foundation
    • Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)
    • Dakar Foundation
    • Dreamstreet Kids
    • Dreams Come True Charity
    • Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation
    • Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
    • Love Match
    • Make-A-Wish Foundation
    • Minority Aids Project
    • Motown Museum
    • NAACP
    • National Rainbow Coalition
    • Rotary Club of Australia
    • Society of Singers
    • Starlight Foundation
    • The Carter Center's Atlanta Project
    • The Sickle Cell Research Foundation
    • Transafrica
    • United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
    • United Negro College Fund Ladder's of Hope
    • Volunteers of America
    • Watts Summer Festival
    • Wish Granting
    • YMCA - 28th Street/Crenshaw
    #120 master_g, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009