Michael jackson dead!

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by DragonK550i, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. im not sure what you are trying to say cuz you're contradicting yourself a bit but you talk like celebrities don't do jack behind the scenes, alot of them attend charities and donate millions all without any publicity, the only difference is they happen to be famous doesn't mean they are any less thoughtful or giving then a regular person. You would be an idiot or bad marketer not to exploit any celebrities death for money, thats show business and thats the way it works. Whats the difference between mocking a celebrity and mocking someone you once knew and mourning for them later on? Now some people may not have a role model growing up, maybe they've read a book that changed their life from a famous celebrity because their abusive parents just didn't give a s*hit bout them or put on a record and vibed *eminem*. It's hard to say but you can't doubt where people find their inspirations. How many asian kids are going to grow up watching yao ming and realizing that asians can ball so they try a little harder and get really good at it and practice after school instead of joining gangs and maybe make something out of their lives. My point being is an entertainer or celebrity can have an impact on peoples lives just like jesus can all without knowing the dude. Rap about peace not war :D
  2. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member


    Thanks for posting all charities that Jackson has worked with, I know he was involved with some charities but not this much.

    But do you seriously think the money his cds make goes to his children, it would be nice to think so. But anyways, like what you said about my feelings towards this issue is different from others I'm cool with it.
  3. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member


    What I'm trying to say that a lot of you easily brainwash to care about entertainers more then other more important things in life.

    If Celebrities you speak of donate with out publicity then how would you know about it? If they didn't want publicity they would've stayed anonymous? You obviously read it some were or they are doing it to improve their public image.

    I know it's smart to market a death of person, but does it make it right? I guess as long as you make money it's all good.

    As for The mocking and mourning the person, I find that people focused on all the bad things he's done when he was alive, but when Jackson dies everyone talks about him like he is a saint, I find that fucking annoying when people do that, you don't find that "contradicting".

    Your comments about impact celebrities having an impact on peoples lives are totally true. But still, I feel that they shouldn't held in such high regard next to ppl who actually invent things to help make peoples lives easier or help save live, but never get the coverage on the news like the celebrities. But then again, that's all people care about is gossip.

    But whatever the case, we have differences of opinion.
  4. ook buddy 1 word paparazzi, as i said earlier you just can't judge from your own experience what inspires people and what regards they hold deer to them wether it be big or small. Whos to say they respect him more then their own parents or siblings and friends? If you think like that you might as well have no favourite entertainer. Do you really think an entertainer would say no, don't release my stuff after i die? -bowroflarms its not up to them either but the company and contract so they can do whatever they want, its called business as i've said again does it make it right? hell yea! you're talkin like they are makin people pay to attend his funeral that would be wrong.

    As for all the bad things mj has done, what exactly are they? nothing just finger pointing and false accusations, it may make for great tabloid news but people still respect him.

    I would love to see you argue with negiqboyz vs misscheeks that would be entertaining.
  5. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    it's true that in some cases celebrities are held in a higher regard than they should be, but no one here ever said that we care more about these people than we do our friends or family members. and if people do say that, maybe they have their reasons. if someone put michael jackson before their family or friends, maybe his music or whatever he has done has gotten that person through tough times when nobody else was there for them. people have different priorities and everyone has someone or something that is important to them for a reason

    and no one ever said he is a saint but i think it is normal to talk about the good characteristics of a person after their death. like if you had a friend that was a selfish, conceited bitch, i'm pretty sure you wouldn't be like 'oh she was a bitch anyways, her death means nothing'
  6. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    glad the death of MJ would bring about such deep argument about the standard of our culture....
  7. zap188

    zap188 New Member

    all the tributes are flowing in. guess we will never see such a legend for a very long time
  8. Last4Ever

    Last4Ever Member

    how sad that is he dead i know he musnt want to die so soon ....!!!
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    but that is still not facts because it says the family worries about him and drug addciiton. The family would never speak to the public about the cause of death because they don't even know the actual cause and even ordered a second autopsy. So therefore all sources are false until the family lawyer speaks out on the death and when the coroner's come up with the report. you were naive to post what you did earlier.

    The real fans and people who actually care about Michael Jackson have been and will always appreciate what he has done. And I am talkin about millions of people around of the world. No one is blaming you or forcing you to mourn anyone, it is your own will. Michael Jackson touched people in many ways with the things he has done. People actualyl faint at his concert or seeing him because he did mean a lot to people around the world. People have heart and treated Michael Jackson with love and respect like they do with family. Is it wrong to love someone like family even if they are not blood related? Michael Jackson loved everyone in the same way and would also consider every fan family. When Tupac and Biggie died, many people thought they were family including those gangbangers. It take loyal fans to actually put an idol before family but there is nothing wrong with that.

    Music labels are releasing greatest hits to actually earn money because that is what they do in the music industry. So many people download these days that they actually aren't even making the money they should be making. And they are celebrating his life and i am pretty sure many people would want to buy a tribute CD with the greatest hits. Its simply Supply and Demand.

    I also agree how people mock and talk so much shit about Michael Jackson and now they're like a different person. I know it is human nature because of the publicity on the "false allegations" but these people piss me off because they are only followers and are ignorant to think what people think and not know details and truth. People should make their own decisions and not judge because they want to fit in.

    I don't think people care about how much they paid for the ticket as much as the death. All the fans that bought a ticket were loyal fans and the death of Michael Jackson is more important that a ticket. Michael Jackson had debts but he also had ownership of some stuff. And why would you care about Us tax payers and Michael Jackson when USA is spending all the money on war and shit.

    Michael Jackson stated he would trade all of his fame for a childhood
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    People should make their own decisions and not judge because they want to fit it? With whom? With you? It seems that while you're imploring people to make their own decisions; it seems that after they do, if their view doesn't align with yours, you label them as ignorant, or to be not in possession of the details and truth...

    Like YOU so obviously believe YOU are?

    The way I see it, is everyone in this world is entitled to their own opinion; even you. So yes, I can respect the fact that there are many people in the world willing to look past the faults of one very human man thrust into the limelight, just that I'm not one of them. I won't bother to call anyone ignorant. We are each in possession of our own truths, regardless if others agree or not. Attaching insulting labels to others who disagree with our views adds nothing to the discussion, and IMHO, is just bad form. And this:

    Wow... you sound like you're a real insider with access to the real info that the rest of us can't get. :bowdown:

    And what about that child molesting wife beating alcoholic drug addict Elvis, did you love him too? :laugh:
  11. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    lulz... kdot... are u serious?

    look guys... i know u all <3 MJ... but fact of the matter is... regardless of his "mental condition"... he's a grown man, and if he did in fact sleep with little kids, and touched them inappropriately... the man's a Pedo...

    people arguing that parent's decided to settle for huge sums of cash rather than go through court trials... would u put ur own kid on the stand? would u let ur kid relive the ordeal in front of everyone in the court room? i'm just playing devil's advocate here, but it seems to me everyone that's arguing for MJ ain't lookin at the other side either...

    fact of the matter is... we don't know what's gone down... no one wants to tell the truth about nething that's happened... u be ur own judge...

    all i know is, people are making money off of idiots around the world who'd sell their kidney to be at MJ's funeral...

    btw kdot... MJ may have stated that he'd trade his fame for his childhood... well yeah... I'd say that too if i wanted to clear my name of pedo... duh? isn't that what the family lawyers are for? to put a positive spin into what happened? I'm sure once they get a second opinion on the autopsy, instead of drug overdose, the headline will read, "MJ miscounted his own pills"... i mean rly? family lawyer?

    ya'll out of ur minds...

  12. Agreed

  13. yea thats exactly what the second child did and it turns out they were bsing and trying to extort him for his money, any person or any star wouldn't want the sigma of being accused as a child molester because no matter how hard or innocent you are it will never rub off, if i were him i probably would have paid the child off too innocent or not. As for putting my kid on stand of course i would, what kinda parent are you to let someone get away with abusing your kids but thats just my opinion :wiggle: innocent or not
  14. ohh i thought i was the only one who thought that, you gota be crazy to drop the charge because you dont want to have your child on a stand, if someone did that to my kid then they are going to prision period or ill do everything within my power to make that happen, dropping the charge would be an insult, any parent who does that sux at being a parent.
  15. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but if you're poor, broke and face the choice of being able to put real food on the table for the first time in years versus going up against a team of top notch money is no object lawyers with no guarantee of winning... You're NOT going to UN-rape your child, no matter what choice you make. With a little bit of money, you may be able to move away and get back some of that lost innocence. I'm certainly not about to judge anyone.

    But, if I were in that parent's situation? Lawsuit? That's for amateurs. The perpetrator would have been dead already.
  16. well i dont believe the alleged victims were poor, broke and unable to put real food on the table, we are talking about MJ rather than hypothetical situations. hmm naa, if a person did that to my child then i would be taking them to court, for my own child and for those who havnt been abused yet, regardless.

    You could take matters into your own hands and go to prison yourself giving your kid double punishment and denying it would be tough with motive an all.

    On another note i wouldnt leave my kids with people who are not family and having them sleep over at some guys house is beyond me.
  17. dexterops

    dexterops Active Member

    gone but not forgotten, his music was influential, earth song one of my favorite
  18. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I liked Eddie Van Halen's guitar solo in Beat It... and Rod Temperton's Lyrics and composition of Thriller... ;)

    <Gasp> You mean, he didn't do it all by himself...??? >.<

  19. but without MJ i would have no idea what you was on about mentioning them two titles.

    Dude me too, earth song was my favourite.