Mints! I love Mentos lol I think the sprays are so tacky>.< ... lets say, using the date situation, that you're now on the date and you chose to watch a movie and there you are, 1hour and 40 minutes or 2 hours pass by (or however long the movie is..) and the movie is done, but then you find that your breathe is stale, not stinky lol but just stale, it would look so distasteful to take out the spray in front of your date and start spraying your mouth lol, but then no one will think anything of taking out a pack of mentos =) (I personally like eating em lol I love the taste of peppermint, but then I like the fruity Mentos too.) and as brought out in a prior post you can offer one to your date. Anyway yea chewy mints!!!
I believe the spray works better than the mints, plus it is a liquid, so it would work through ur mouth faster.
gums ^^ work best but the thing is, my eye is retarded, when i chew my lid goes up and down so ... damn
of course a mint gum becasue, one it last longer and is mighty fresh, and it helps get all the sticky stuff that is in ur month. a mouth spray will only say in ur month untill u swallow it.
i would rather use mint gum than spray. Spray just taste nasty to me. And the mint gum can last longer to me
I believe that the mints are alot better cause the spray is like so old school and people KNOW u got a bad breath lolz
ehhh... well i wouldnt recommend having gum before u get off with someone lol nor to spray some just before both taste horrible... lol if yer have to go for something like cherry drops =] oh & erm mints aye gud for ya apparently lol
mints.. first they taste way better and trust me... those spray things taste like crap.. sour and minty? LOL -lol but yea not a pleasant taste.. >.< OR.. you could just drink alot of water.. and brush your teeth 3 times a day and without doubt.. your teeth won't stink. -bigsmile
listerine strips or mints... i've never used a spray before.... whenever i go out i'll hav a box of mints in my pocket and take about 10 throughout the day... lol