More Edison Pictures Released - Video next. With 600 extra pictures bonus

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by SUSIE-DANG-1988, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. Jayotacon

    Jayotacon Well-Known Member


    ahhh I see-what?-what?
  2. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    i'm honestly getting bored.

    But to catch this guy, it's going to be nearly impossible -- since if this person is out of the country there's not telling how to find them. They're probably scrambling their IP addy too. Besides, HK police have no jurisdiction outside of HK. Unless they get other authorities involved, but the legalities of this situation would need them to issue a search warrant to seize posession of the computer. But this person is probably really smart and keeping it on a usb stick.
  3. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    didnt they get interpol involved?
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Yes, yes, because they would CARE.

    This is a fragging victimless case to the Interpol and FBI, don't waste anyone's time (since they've already wasted more than enough of the Hong Kong/Chinese population's)

    If they want to involve the Interpol or FBI, at least have someone take the fall and say "I am the victim of this crime" and not that pathetic excuse of "OMG, they ruined my reputation with this awfully photoshopped image, can you save my reputation even though the person in the photo isn't me???"

    Their attitude just added endless fuel to this mess. Congratulations for making the monumental mistake.
  5. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Then all the stars in it will be famous worldwide. -lol
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Yeah yeah, as if they give a sh*t about these kind of groundless sex scandals... Those rabids may as well call for Batman or something to serve their perceived justice... Maybe hang Edison Chen and lynch him? <_<
  7. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    i can't agree more .. denial is never good response to the facts. i doubt the interpol and fbi would spend their time finding the guy cuz of the celebrities' reputation when there bigger fishes out there such as murderers or whatever to catch.
  8. lazycatherine

    lazycatherine Active Member

    please not to distribute those picture.
    really hope the matter will end soon.
    and this mr/ms kira will get the right punishment.
  9. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    good job keep the pic coming but still waiting for the video

    everyone plz support kira with his awsome tatics n skills

    Bobo Edison Gil Hk police stands no chance against him

    where L? dead already lmao
  10. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    the anime kira got his punishment, but the real kira is smarter.... :)
  11. ggg

    ggg Member

    honestly, it doesn't matter if PA doesn't distribute them, you can simply google it and download them
    should this "kira" be punished? i don't think so
    so what? people get their naked pictures posted every single day by their ex-bfs/gfs, are the police going to go out and punish them?!?!
    who gives a sh*t? they just need to come out and admit it's theirs cause with all these pictures out now they can't keep denying it and act innocent
    step up and admit that you did it and then maybe people can just move on
    don't feel sorry for them, they did it period and if they're not responsible enough to have gotten edison to delete it or watever, then let this be their lesson leant
  12. keung386

    keung386 Well-Known Member

    theres video on emule but it seems fake
  13. surfacer

    surfacer New Member

    wow this is gettin awsome lol
  14. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    this is all getting so exciting especially with wats coming out. u just dunno whats gonna happen next. lol.
  15. OblivionStar

    OblivionStar Well-Known Member

    This should really become a movie/ series with added twisted
  16. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    new pic release again 2moz maybe lol
  17. keung386

    keung386 Well-Known Member

    entertainment circlet is meant this way!
  18. bb4srv

    bb4srv Well-Known Member

    I'm waiting anxiously for maggie Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C'mon maggie Q
  19. Jayotacon

    Jayotacon Well-Known Member

    who is maggie Q?
  20. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    i think the video is gillian cus she has animated gifs i think. so she is talking tomorrow cus she knows she did it. prob paid off kira already so she can talk and deny it was her.

    questions to ask her.

    was it you?
    was it hidden camera?
    did u enjoy it?
    why did u do it/.
    are there anymore pics of u?
    were u black mailed?
    did u do a video?
    do u have a bf now/.
    are you going to change careers to become a porn star

    \i should be a reporter \;0 some many questions to ask and answer -lol