it wasn't clearance, and it wasn't refurbished lol i just hope it's not the board -_____________________________- bah next time ill just make a shitty dual core, if it craps out, ill buy a new one......... why the hell did i get an i7 -___________-
... but that would mean you would have to buy the dual core processor... when you already have the i7 processor... doesn't make a lot of logical sense to shelf the working processor.....
alright.. my friend lent me his gpu to test. plugged in, booted up, time to see if the image dies. ATI's prototype 4700 series 8) no fan throttling, some glitches here and there, but a cool thing to get my hands on 8)
alright..... looks like i have a bad graphic card......... imma see if i can get it covered by warranty... if not, it's time to shop for a new card -_______-