lol that always happens. you're like "HA. I'M RIGHT YOUR WRONG" then they don't say anything. and if you're wrong, they repeat the saaaame lecture over and over again for like hours -_-"
mothers being mothers will always be on your back. irrespective if you are 5,10 or 50 they will still nag.
Gee Asians rents eh.. My rents are like that too.. i can literally word out everything my mum/dad tells me when i have done some thing wrong!
THEY ARE BORING. Mothers who lectures u are so boring that when she does do it to me, i space out. i did develope a method to pretend i'm listening is to reeat the last word she says after each sentecne. it really works. lol (i got this from friends, i can''t take the credit away from joey lol )