you know what, ive never had that problem where i have to clear my cookies, ive never had to log out or in for ages!
yeh i clear my temp files and history during the month with CCleaner, but i dont clean my cookies cause i want certain websites to remember me like PA or Amazon
CCleaner? thats exacaly what i use, good stuff. and I think PA is acting up, takes forever to load pages and reply at random times
yeh PA is quite random, sometimes its super fast sometimes super slow and sometimes the dreaded database error comes up -fear
grrrr ive had that database error message many many times and i find it soo fustrating when it appears grr
...i'm having to clear temp and cache pretty much everytime i'm on pa....randomly fast or slow...prob just a few of us that its happening too..
What's wrong with sausages??? Or is it the rectangular shape that bothers you? Hey, same here! It's mad annoying... PA keeps lagging (for me) every 15-30 minutes or so. Which is why I only sign on at night now. I just don't have the patience to sit here & refresh every 20 seconds... it doesn't seem to lag as much at night.
I get spam... stupid, I don't want to take pills to make my penis bigger thank you... I also don't want to meet a girl in my town... stupid spam... -_-
MSN! woot... i have AIM too, but i really hate using it. plus practically everyone on my AIM is from the US.. no one from my home country. =( edit: wow i just saw that im totally not following how this conversation is going right now. meh xD
Ya good point kdotc, wow, I'm post #322, and I didn't bother to read all the ones in between because I know has nothing to do with MSN -lol.
I like to put CUT pieces of spam into my mouth, thank you very much... Well, there's only so much we can say about the topic... only what... 6 people gave out their SNs? I don't have msn, so I wouldn't be able to chat with most of the people in here anyways.