MW3 vs BF3

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by loung, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    The only bad thing about BF3 is that it doesnt have the Bots like BF2....
  2. dragong87

    dragong87 Well-Known Member

    battlefield 3 =)
  3. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Battlefield 3 is a strategy based shooter.

    MW3 is run and gun. BF3 can do it too, but their maps are not designed for fluid run and gun like the MW series. They just cut down a smaller portion of the big maps for the Death matches.

    Take your pick! I prefer BF3 though. Just need all of these CoD kiddies to learn and spot in games.
  4. burpyierz

    burpyierz Well-Known Member

    Battlefield 3 really sucks, solo is crap but I can't test the multiplayer bacause my computer wont run it
    so I pick MW3
  5. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    WTF do u expect, BF is known for multi, not single player.....playa...

    The single player isnt that good, but it's the multiplayer that makes up the score. But still, it should have Bots so we can practice on playing with the JETs without getting killed.....
  6. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

  7. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    It's more fabulous over at -

    It's basically all EA, their EULA and Origin; like I said before I knew Origin would cause rage -lol

    A while back it was their EULA's wording along with Origin and they have thus changed it, read about it here -

    Apparently now it's updated in a way that you can't sue them -

    From what I gather you don't have a choice to opt out thus by installing Origin you accept EA's terms and conditions and Origin is apparently gathering data everywhere like someone's tax declarations -

    So yeah lol EA, why am I not surprised ... I'm still waiting for my copy so meh. But whether Origin is actually accessing and reading the files then sending them, I don't think anybody knows. As may be just scanning like for example stream's VAC needs to scan your HDD to determine whether or not your using cheats I believe although some people are saying stream's invasion of privacy not as hardcore as Origin as Origin scans more and involves 3rd parties (dunno if this is changed). Nothing special on my HDD so they can gather all they like :trollface:
  8. niffty

    niffty Member

    MW3! BW3 maps are way to big and not as fast paced.
  9. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Cuz you need strategy to win. Hard to feel it in PUGs though if you just want to run and gun.
  10. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    BF3 is fast pace if u choose Team death match.... Spawning takes like 2 sec....I'm in like lvl 15 rite now....bu i'm still getting owned...
  11. lmao oh wow.. hahah... honestly origins I expect it to be buggy since its new.. but the whole web browser server thing was a real turn off from the beta. But i'll get on this when I get it for free later on.. :trollface:
  12. lmao..

    this is coo though.
  13. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    Wanna try! But need another :trollface:

    Yet somehow takes the fun outta it although for previois bf's I never managed to unlock every equipment.
  14. I unlocked everything in BC2 and i'm only at lvl 32 I think.. would take me another year just to hit next lvl with the amount of points per round.. :facepalm:
  15. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    The XP required to level is pretty low compared to the other games. I feel like I'm leveling up quite fast.
  16. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    For those who said this game is slowpace, u obvoisuly havent play this game and just talk by BF3's stereotype BS like oh, it's Battlefield, it's known to have a huge map and slow pace..... 64 players in TDM is overkill....Shit, even 32 players get me dying and killing 15 people in less than 1 minute....unless, you're one of those faggot campers....

    Currently in the second liutenant lvl (40)... I think i'm stopping.....taking too much time away from doing other things..... basically stood home after work and school. This game is awesome tho....
  17. nightang3l

    nightang3l Well-Known Member

    I love how when BF3 came out sh*t ton of people were playing and you can see the server pages keep going on and on. But since MW3 came out the pages have shorten and when you are on MW3 the map indicating where people are playing is green everywhere especially the east side.
  18. 6.5 mill. sold on day 1.. daammmnnn MW3
  19. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    mw3's graphics isnt something i would be happy about....but the campaign was awesome....finally came to an end..cant criticize the multi-player, but i'm pretty sure it's the same as always.......