looks like crap.. no seriously tho.. how the hell?! lol.. did you clue some pieces together? come on be honest now...
Pro much? I wish i could do things like this, but unfortunately, i probably wouldn't have the patience. :( I would definitely buy some of these from you! That's amazing!
lol no just kidding.. I didn't make it.. found it off Kotaku.. I guess parts of it have foam inside to keep it standing.. but the whole thing is made with thick paper. 5ft tall.. and they guy even posted templates on how to make it!
haha, but i'd still like to know how to make the t-shirt, dinosaur, and birthday cake ones still! helluva nice find. amazing what people can do with mere pieces of paper.
i only glued the legs and the arms on the body the rest is one piece o and the teeth and eyes were made separatly 2