My body is so sore, no more snowboarding

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by kdotc, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    To start things off, my wrist starting hurting after bowling 2 days ago Now both my wrist hurt, i can't use much strength with my hands because my arm is sore and probably bruised. I think i pulled something while snowboarding and my knees hurt and my ass hurts. Basically im going to be so sore tomorrow. FUKK!!!!!
    youtube vidoes don't work at all..i keeps going into the trees and when i get speed and i try to stop i wipe out! WTFF i dont even know how many times i fells on my wrist even though i tried not to and on top of that wipeout completely from tryign to stop while speeding. My carves weren't connecting and i fall again. WTF!!!!! I went to green blue and diamonds. but now i have to realize i can't snowboard at all.

    probably first and last time snowboarding

    guess im not investing in a snowboard anytime soon...back to skis, at least i don't get injured.
  2. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    never tried snowboarding before but it looks fun...there's always guna be some sort of minor/major injury in whatever sport u do..but like u can always try snowboard again when u feel better...swap tips with friends? and practice makes perfect? i dunno
    but a hot bath would help soothe your aching muscles..=]
  3. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    I did snowboarding for a school ski trip. That year, it was a 3 day ski trip (1 every 2 week).

    It was our first time allowed to be snowboarding.. so everyone was trying it.. so i thought it will. Ended up being on the ground for more than half a day.. cause i couldn't snowboard. First & last time for me too.

    Snowboarding looks cooler and funner.. but thats IF you can snowboard. Going on the ski hill is about having fun, not complaining that you cant go down a hill w/o falling.

    From that year on.. i went skiing. From green to black diamond hills. For snowboarding.... green maybe?

    Get better soon though :D
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    hahhaa kdot you never fail to disappoint meh :trollface: theres always next time!!! oh wait... But to be fair i would probably die if i tried to snowboard lol.
  5. the more you practice the less it will hurt
  6. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    thought you canadians were good at snow and ice sports
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    kdotc wannabe canadian :trollface:
  8. LMFAO! what did I tell your ass.. hahah :facepalm:

    I told you you couldn't handle it.. nigga talkin about how pro he was gonna get.. tsk tsk..

    n you're supposed to lean back.. slows you down and if anything you'll fall on your ass instead of your wrist.. if you go face first hands out.. that's it for you.. hahah

    damn should have recorded the action.. ;)
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    unless i get a good going back to skiis and gonna start learning jumps

    i wasn't embarassed at all about falling, i just laugh it out or just lay on my back and when i get wipedout people are like are you okay im like im fine...hopefully i dont feel a thinkg tomorrow when i wake up
  10. mochi

    mochi Well-Known Member

    hahahaha. i called it. It hurt for a good week after my first day snowboarding. Unless you don't like it, try a couple more times. Like Sage said, learn how to slowdown and always fall on your ass instead of wrist.
  11. I don't feel a thing day after I snowboard.. oh thas right.. I don't ever fall.. -cool2
  12. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    you only fall for those snowboard dudes haahahaahaahahah

    im so sore now and i havent got this feeling since my first vball intense training beginning of preseaon..i was too lazy to stretch or exercise in the im just resting
  13. peppermint

    peppermint Well-Known Member

    I think you've overdone it, my body is still aching after 2.5 hours of gym.
  14. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    talkin about overdone:whistling:
  15. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    my a$$ is sore....that counts for this thread too right..?..pwhaha..

    but mine was from missing the chair....>_<
  16. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    straight working out?? 2.5hours? i can't even do that
    ya i did overdo my snowboarding without resting or eating or drinking water and skipping levels..i deserve it
  17. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member

    Maybe you should see a doctor. You may have strained your wrist. These things can be serious sometimes.

    Did someone pull the chair away from you while you were about to sit down? lol
  18. peppermint

    peppermint Well-Known Member

    1 hour class of box fit then 30 min on each gym machine, yeah went mad, too much KFC recently -^_^. Havent lost any weight though

    @ Bear - must be playing musical chairs with the elderly XD
  19. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Gee .. ya'll complaining about soreness from sport activities .. my knees are in pain now from praying over the weekend. Knelt and bow for 10 hours straight whilst chanting .. amazingly, a lot of the elderly were still smiling, walking, and talking as it was nothing .. sigh ..
  20. lol what.. that's some hardcore meditation.. your knees were probably just overwhelmed from the amount of sin that were on your shoulders! sinner!!