Hi.. i drew to pictures this summer so far and thought i like to share with you. hope you enjoy! Aaron Kwok Kelly chen
nice drawing!!! Aaron and Kelly look so young..it must be @ their 20's you're talent! hope to see more of your art work
wow. you got the proportion, shading, shape and complexion. good job! and i really hope you continue in this direction. very nice. i still can't get past drawing animals. haha. because drawing people is just too hard for me unless you ask me to draw stick people.
Thanks for your replies! wow thanks so much for your compliments you guys! i am flattered -sweat. But i can do much better, my shading definately needs HUGe improvement! For kelly's drawing i used all pencil drawing.. and aaron's i used half charcoal and half pencil. its hard drawing real life ppl.. and im still working on it.
i think its good that u used different mediums when drawing, it compliments one another...your shading is quite good despite what u think and the details are really good aswel..good tonal shading,,, i think if u study art, u could try out 'fine art' which covers still life and other stuff...u have quite an eye for detail..so keep it up...
nice.. prefer 1st pic.. good use of charcoal. some comments: - perhaps try not to erase too much.. unless absolutely necessary. it affects the shading - from personal experiences, the human face is less than perfect, so drawing in the imperfections can make the drawing more realistic and thus more resemblance.. hehe.. jus own opinions here.. keep up the effort!
Thanks for commenting everyone thanks for your advices! i did do a lot of erasing.. its hard, considering i really have no experience drawing life figures and i have stopped drawing for years. I hope to draw more soon