^ hehe -innocent2 second chances dear. i give second chances, if she screws up, well then. you know the rest.
lol what is the whole making out with her thing all about?? and the sleeping around with this n that is a bad idea.. it'll only make things worst.. having a serious talk with her and see what you guys want to do.. if you guys can come out of it.. it'll only make your relationship stronger.. if not.. you're both screwed.. -dead
^ hehe you know how in movies, when the protagonist's girlfriend breaks up with him for some reason, and the protagonist goes "baby, im sorry if things happened between us.. i wish everything could go back to normal" the girl slaps the protagonist and proceeds to making out with him, and they live happily ever after.
yea.. so you're stuck on movies and want to try n be the "protagonist." or are those the plots to you lil XXX Vidz...?? -lol
hmm yes.. a sense a bit a sarcastic tone in your voice.. seriously if it's his choice.. he probably should.. "forgive" the girl.. I mean he owes her that much.. THAS BRICK BABY!!!
my opinion is dump her sorry ass, cuz u'll end up bringing this sex thing up everytime u guys fight, so break up now and don't waste time giving out 2nd chances or else it would just be more painful.
You should learn to love yourself a little more then that. Think about it. When did your expectations of a girlfriend drop so low. Being honest is not a lot to ask for, what the point of a relationship when people cant do that. Just dump her! You know she's capable of cheating who knows what else has been done! Karma ends here. Just find a better girl and live happy. No revenge no nothing, because that will only harm you more and other innocent people. Don't waste your time over a piece of trash. goodluck p.s. she has to wear the guilt forever.
Yea I agree with Yuhsuke. The sex issue will always be brought back if you get into a fight so just leave her now. I highly doubt you guys can even be friends now. It depends on how you view sex though. If you consider it something spiritual and only shared with someone you love, then yea it's a big issue. But if you're a swinger then just continue on.