it's nothing, it's like when you hear your friends fooling around farting.. and as for your ex, she's just wasn't comfortable enough to do that around you, it's not the fact of manners, if you are comfortable with somebody that you have been with for a couple of years, you are not exactly gonna run to a different room where no one is around and fart. I don't fart in public but if it's a round people that you are comfortable with i.e. family and longrelationship partner, it;s different. It's just stereotypical that boys can fart but girl's don;t do it in front of others This is gonna sound so feminist (i'm not a feminist) and most things that blokes can do, girls can do it too when confidence is built up
u know us guys would lose... queef's just win hands down... i gotta leave the room when one goes off... sorry...
should do it the Jackass way... get those space suit head thing.. basicly no air gets in or out with a tube attatch to another lil bowl shape thing that people can put their bum there and fart and let em smell liek that hahaha
technically the shit will stick to the bowl unless it was a runny one hahaha and the tube is too long for it to fall down n by that time steveo would have noticed lol