Thanks Ms Bear, maddy, sars4tw, Ms Lee...! I'll try my best to keep them updated . And I forgot something... Happy New Year!!! Wish you guys a great year ahead! Sigh... I hope I'll have a good one this year... PS: Hmmm... maddy, how come you only got 1 post ya?
Thanks tommy . > Kay Hmm... Not sure how to tip you about lips. Hard to explain through words . Basically, the upper lip is usually darker than the lower lip, if the light source comes from the front. This is because the upper lip is angled to face bottom while the lower lip is angled to face top and so the lighting will illuminate the lower lip instead of the top. And, the common mistakes that people usually do is to colour both upper and lower lip red, which makes the figure looks odd . Use brown (the skin colour). But I'm not too good in colouring, so... More addition. These are some of my old stuff. Seems like I used to draw better in old times . Random stuff: Some girl: Some lame inked stuff : Some model: Triple H: Deco (Football/Chelsea): Hope you guys like them... -Paiseh-
Thanks for the comments . Natsu you have very nice skills too. Some coloured stuff I made quite some time ago. Unfortunately, all guys . Poster colours (a little bit outdated). Random paint: Some character: Bookmarks:
Made a few attempts to draw Stephy. Somehow, it was really hard to draw her. Not sure why... Here's the results: Attempt 1: Cross-hatching: Attempt 3: Smudging: Attempt 3 seems to have more closer resemblance... though both seem to fail miserably. Other Stuff... Someone: My hand : Was learning to smudge (inspired by Natsu ):
oooOOoo update....niceeee....... the stephy piccies are goood...the facial shape is goood....just the eyes seem kinda weird i think.... i really like the piccie of 'someone' the angle is so coool..!!..
> the eyes seem kinda weird YEAH...!!! I was having hard time drawing the eyes >.<". Stephy's eyes....are hard to draw. Had to correct them a few times!!
that 1st Stephy drawing is closer to her, but its a bit weird at the same time. i think its the eyes. The eyes are really important and central part of any portrait drawing. I cant draw eyes to save my life >.< meh, wish i can cross-sketch like you can ~
Just bought myself a cute Bamboo...!! And so coloured one of the sketched pictures. Played around with PS for the first time >.<". Still trying to get use of the brushes and tools.... as well as the Bamboo pen. Happy .
Slight update. Drew something random because I was really bored during work. Gorilla: Saw a cute girl in the lab doing something. And so drew a representation of her. But I accidentally broke her arm in the process . Hehe...: