just thought to myself.. if someone attacked me while i was sleeping they would have frame advantage... made perfect sense till i thought about it, i need to stop playing so much games.
What do you mean by 'frame' advantage? That's a really random thought by the way. But I always thinking about things like that... always think of escape routes / best way to escape if there are fires... I remember when I was very young probably about 8, I packed my things into a bag once, because I had a feeling there was going to be a fire, and I kept the things in my bag for about a week or two... No fire happened thankfully. But I have been in a fire, with my nan. She refused to leave her house and I couldn't get her out O___o Had to jump over some fences to get a neighbours attention. No one got hurt Just not a nice experience at all, but an experience never the less. Sorry to steal your story there Master_G don't k now what came over me, my fingers just typed >_> But yeah, you play too much games -nono But really, it's kind of good you think about that, because if it ever did happen at least you'd be more aware