Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by shinobi, Jun 23, 2006.
keeping with the illusion thread: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/conflict.html
heh I already knew that.. It's actually hard to read the colors too. ><
yeah..i fumbled a few times too.
hey have you tried this one? http://www.ebaumsworld.com/magic/optical.html
dont work I'm color blind...
no you arnt!
not surprised.. most guys are.
if ur color blind..then try looking for the white rabbit in the pic.
but I dont see a white rabbit!!
White Rabbit Candy GO SPD!!! Dun dun dun dun!!!
its impossible for the norm
Hah that stuffs awesome.
that paper thingy is editble, I tried to take it off,
never mess with the rice candy paper
its made out of rice!!?? we learn something everyday dont we
rice candy is the shiz nat.
I thought we are talking about the white rabbit candy
.. we are.
knoc said rice candy
yes...i did...candy..and rice covering..ya falla..