falling in love especially when it's one-sided love is really heart-wrenching. i don't know what to say. i wanted to say move on and find someone else but easy said than done. oh well, all the best to ya.
If i told u to break up u wouldnt rite ? if i told u to continue u will be upset everytime u see her ? But my view is if u love her n u dont mind being the pillow then mayb 1 day she mite change. If u cant take it anymore than i would suggest u to leave because she is (sorry to be plain and direct) onli loving herself. She wants someone to hold onto. If suddenly ur other fd says he likes her then she ll just drop u n go for him ? is this the love ur looking for ? I know it is hard to forget someone u love but u ar actualli helpin her realise her own problem by leaving her. The rite thing to do is not alwayz view to others as rite, but as long as u know its rite then leaving her maybe the best way. U will still have a fd n she will still have u as a fd.
its not actually that confusing just all the relationship feelings are complicated. but ye well she is kind of doing the same rele holding on to charles and ur holding on to sally. usually though one will finally accept and hopefully she will go out with u one day, esp if yui dumps her bf and charles and her get together.
i think you already know what you have to do... ditch Sally, stop hanging out with that group for a while. go hang iwth other friends and with time, you'll find someone else who you're interested in and sally will slowly fade.
wow man complicated stuff >.< and ur the rebound guy too thats really sucks i've personally been there with alot of girls (never learn my lesson) anywho dude just let go ur better than this comon if she doesnt like u tough luck there are better girls out ther for u im sure
awww....hate pple like that..who use pple an play on their feelings... thats emotional abuse!!! forget about her....there's plenty of other fish in the sea...she's not worth it...
dude you're so bummed right now! oh shiet~ i just realised this thread was from 2months ago almost.. so is it resolved yet? this is what i was going to say: she's got you around her little finger and knows that you like her so you'll always be there for her, sorta like the background guy. unless you're really good/close friends? (not friends with benefits, but proper friends - no feelings for each other at all, not in a gf/bf/love sorta way - but i assume that's out of the question seeing as you confessed to her that you like her -.-). it's just gona take time. give it time - you can't stop liking someone just like that, remember girls can be bitches.
sit down with S and talk about it, and see what she says, and then you can think about cutting off connections with her