Need some help on comp hard drive upgrade

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by lee-lee, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. crazyalex4u

    crazyalex4u Active Member

    go for the 2,5 if u need 2 travail a lot... just plug it in and u can work with it, but look out for what kind of usb port u have, version 1 or 2...
  2. lol lee-lee. go to pacific mall ;)
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    or the local college and spadina comp store.word.
  4. ^ dude youre absolutely right. theres this store on spadina south of college that has cheap GPU...

    and this store called CTY comps that has an mx518 for just 32 bucks!
  5. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    pretty good catches if ur looking for a system on the cheap.
  6. yea. no matter how i look at it, if i buy barebone kit plus upgrades, or build from bottom up, or a fully assembled pc, it still costs me more or less 500. maybe im expecting too much -lol
  7. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    i lost u after "it is not that easy to open a laptop"...why are u talking about different sizes and usb ports and wall outlets? -noclue

    if i go to p-mall, i'll but a whole bunch of clothes and not have anything left for what i actually need.

    But i loooooove my laptop. i don't like change. i'm weird i know.
  8. don't forget a new power supply and water cooling system for your new hard drive...
  9. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    i give up on this new hard drive thing. i'll just start deleting stuff off my comp. too hard. too confusing.
  10. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    wow... lol size is about portable or non portable hard drive. the portable hard drive, max gb is 320 so far which do not need power from your wall outlets. the biggest for the non portable hard drives are about 750gb-1TB which you need to plug into a wall outlet to run the hard drive. get it? lolz
  11. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    lee lee
    just do it the "relatively simple way"

    go to one of those computer shops
    buy an external portable drive (costs more, but saves hassle for her to put it together)
    (eg mybook, lacie, maxtor)
    u just plug it in via a usb cable
    and u can use the spaces thats available on it =)

    just look for the 2.5" because they don't need power (usually)

    i've got 2 160gb and 2 80gb externals lol (all 2.5")
    they seemed to get filled quite easily ahhha
  12. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol if you resort to that give up on the installing get this:


    Western Digital Passport External Harddrive, comes in 80gb-250gb flavors, buy it at your local stores or order online before deleting anything -lol

    or buy a pack of DVDs

    drag data into burning program, hit burn hahaha then delete from comp.
  13. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    psss... its range from 80gb-320gb :D hehee
  14. its not that hard.. just back up and get new hard drive..
  15. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    well just hope they're pre-formatted so lee lee won't b complaining "i plugged it in and it doesn't work" lol
    cos i remember my lacie's weren't formatted
    nor were my samsungs hehhehe

    lacie's are cool... they're designed by porsche =P
    even tho its just a rectangular box... lol
  16. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member


    okaaaayyyy, not gonna delete things cause i can't figure out wat i want and don't want. so i'm gonna get this.
    it's 500GB. it's small and cute eh? hehe. plus! it's on sale! $130. but what does this mean--> * 3.5" profile and unobtrusive footprint allow for easy and convenient placement anywhere in your home?
  17. ooh and you can put cutesy Hello Kitty stickers on it!

    hahaha ok.. so for sure external.. no attempt to upgrade? not even the slightest??
  18. lol nice find lee-lee

    just dont leave it on permanently, and dont let it become super hot =D

    anyways, wheres it at? i want one too lol
  19. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    mmm the hard drives that uses power:D hehe lolz from wall outlet that is
  20. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    i don't think i'm gonna upgrade. reading all the stuff that other PA members wrote, my head is still spinning. too difficult. if i screw it up, i'll just cry for years and years.
    no hello kitty stickers. swarovski crystals baby. it's gonna be bang-ing!!! -rockon

    future shop. send it to my house and i'll put crystals on it for u too! haha