I hope these news are true! Nic and Cecilia form a very nice couple together. Plus, they just had a baby. If he really had found the idontknowwhat to forgive her, he's really a true man and a great dad. And grow up people. Taking these kind of pics doesn't mean at all that she's a slut or horny all the time or whatever. She never would have in a thousands years wanted these pics to leak. People have sex and that's a fact. How do you think babies are made. =_=;
As much as I hate cecilia because of her trash and skank look. I am glad they are together to weather the storm and show that their marriage is what it is. EVEN IF SHE DID cheat while dating or whatever, I don't think she betrayed or committed infidel while being pregnant and what not. Glad there's some positive out of this.
well, think of this way .. carina lau was raped so technically speaking .. her pics shown online wasn't a choice but forced.
Before the 1990's... I think the news broke in 1991 or something. Before the time of many on PA, I believe.