My camera has a lot of settings for low light shots. I'm not sure which one to use. You can zoom in to see the details. Camera used: Sony WX7. (1) Program Auto (ISO 100): Takes ISO 100 images, but doesn't support anti-blur. So, I don't think I should use this. (2) Superior Auto (ISO 800): Auto shooting for higher quality by bursting shooting and superimposing them depending on the scene. Supports anti-blur. This one is good. (3) Intelligent Auto (ISO 1600) Detects scene and shoots with automatic settings. (4) Anti Motion Blur (ISO 3200) Reduces blur when shooting in low light or distant targets. I think for this the ISO is too high. Images isn't very sharp. (5) Backlight Correction HDR (ISO 800) Shoot with rich gradation , reducing over/under exposure in the scene with different contrast such as (6) Twilight Portrait (ISO 100) I think I like this one the best. Shoots with flash to balance subjects and dark background. It's good for taking a picture with a group of people at night and the background is still come out bright in the image. And it's in ISO100. (7) Twilight (ISO 100) Use a tripod and no flash to shoot a beautiful night scene. I didn't use a tripod for this. It still comes out nice with ISO100. (8) Hand-held Twilight (ISO 800) Shoot night scenes without a tripod. Continuous shots possible. (9) High Sensitivity (ISO 1600) Reduces blur even when dark without using flash. I don't think I'll use the settings with high ISO, even though it says that it reduces blur. Other settings with low ISO already has anti-blur, so I'll go with those ones.
high ISO = noise... plus if you are doing night shots, ALWAYS use a tripod or at least on something stable
Ya, those were good times. I usually stick with Superior Auto because it has anti-blur feature. Even in bright areas. The problem is that it uses up more battery life because it captures multiple images in one shot. (depending on the brightness of the environment. If it's bright, it might only capture one image. If it's dark, it captures maybe around 5 images) After taking it need to process the images into one whole image, which takes about 5 second to process.
gotta use long exposures try some other night shots of buildings or streets, night show of a school side entrance seemed uninteresting
Nice stuff. I was watching videos about this. The effects look really cool. I might try this out in the future.