i thinks she so cute and funny in feel 100% the series and gentle crackdown, but i didnt like her character in the one with kevin cheng, i think they're boring together. i love it when she pouts.
i love watching her in The Gentle Crackdown. but quite surprise she got an award without much shows under tvb
i liked her eva since i watch Gentle crackdown she was soo funny wif moses in that serie!!! then damn she was cute in under the canopy of love
^do you have a pic of her sister? lol. besides, this thread is about niki, not her sister. about niki though: the first time i saw her act was in 'under the canopy of love' and i liked it she's a good actor & singing. i won't say the best but better than some other people i can think of.
she soo cute ^_^ i really loved her in under the canopy of love and about her sister, yeah her sister is hot but REALLY dumb =x
niki is very pretty, much more than her sis Kathy, i think her sis had some plastic surgery though.....Niki and Kevin look great
Niki has a sister? How does she look like? Do someone has a pic of Niki's sister? I recently saw a music video by Aaron Kwok. The video shows some scene cuts of a tv series with Aaron and Niki. Does anyone know the tv series? I try to find the music video in Youtube and post the link here.