Nintendo Wii

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by bruisel33, May 16, 2006.

  1. jkz

    jkz Member

    the wii sounds fun but still goin for ps3
  2. 852bboy

    852bboy Member

    Wii is looking promising. I had serious doubts earlier, but Nintendo has shown, it works, and it works well.

    Also, as far as Wii being very underpowered...

    According to an article on Daily Tech, widely ignored during E3 but since gathering some pace, "...the Wii will ship with a PowerPC 750GX CPU jointly developed between IBM and Nintendo. Nintendo says the codename of the processor is Broadway and was manufactured using a 90nm fabrication process. IBM claims the 750GX GPU is based on the 750FX processor designed by the company several years ago. The chip can run at frequencies up to 1.1GHz and includes a 4-way set-associative single core with 1MB L2 cache."

    The big news here is the mooted use of a PowerPC 750GX CPU running at 1.1GHz with 1MB L2 cache well beyond the expectations of most.

    The piece continues, "On Nintendo's official Wii hardware "specifications" page, the GPU of the console is listed as still being developed with ATI. Whether this means that the GPU is still being tuned or there was simply a grammatical error on the site is up in the air. Very little is known about the Wii's GPU, codenamed Hollywood except that it is part of ATI's R520 family."

    The mention of the R520 has sent shockwaves of quivering anticipation around gaming circles, as if the news proves true, Nintendo would essentially be able to boast a massive leap forward from the GameCube with the Wii possessing the graphical grunt of a well-equipped gaming PC. The outlined chipsets are also highly versatile, a feature Nintendo will likely employ to throttle the Wii for standby use during WiiConnect dormant sessions.

  3. michael8080

    michael8080 Well-Known Member

    nice info u got there.. this make me feel much more eager to get 1.
  4. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    more focus put on gamin with this system here..interesting as other have gone the way of hd and high end graphics...
  5. yea.. promising... or just another marketing scheme... Nintendo Wii is to gaming... as iPod Shuffle is to Mp3 player...

    Wii are the champions my friend........
  6. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    we'll see when it gets released...
  7. KK-chan

    KK-chan Active Member

    I personally think Wii has major potential..

    PS will always have fans...hardcore and new..

    but it's refreshing to see that Nintendo is changing up their console line....I agree that most of the terms of looks, power, etc....couldn't ever really compare with the PS....

    but they're changing..

    and it's like...Xbox and PS3 have the hardware...but more most consumers..they just want fun..which they can get less expensively with Nintendo..

    and that movement controller might also mean more games, new types of games..and generally..another direction that Nintendo is heading towards..

    i was a hardcore PS3 fan before...but now..i'm not so sure that I wouldn't get a Wii...
  8. Imma get a Wii just so I can Wii on my friends... and Wii all over the walls.. and use my controller with light saber sounds... and go Wii.... I would like to fling the controller at samurai games and fishing games... but I mean really tho.... PS3.. equals more mature games...more big franchise titles... it's gona be like the Ferrari of Next gen consoles...
    But I guess Nintendo is the underdog... so we'll just have to see
  9. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    nintendo the this race perhaps...
  10. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

  11. zihe

    zihe Well-Known Member

    the controller is amazing, it sense motion

    You play a sword game, you swing the controller, your character swings his sword, almost like eyetoy!
  12. jonyblayze

    jonyblayze Active Member

    I'm definitely getting a Wii, watchin all the E3 coverage on it made me want that thing more than ps3. its just so different and looks a lot of fun in party environments. I'd love to play that warioware game drunk off my ass. lucas arts spose to be makin a starwars game for the thing too, focusing on lightsabre battles. the last few years, I've been mainly a PC gamer and rarely touchin my ps2..when ps3 was shown at last years e3, I oogled over it cuz of how everything looked. then this year when they announced the price..I jus had to I really gonna spend $600 on a system that ill most likely let collect dust? its just more of the same with pumped up graphics and an attempt to copy nintendos controller. and I could care less about anything xbox...well, that gears of war looks nice n all, makes me wish blockbuster still rented out consoles :)
  13. okies

    okies Well-Known Member

    i totally agree
    and i dont care much about any xbox. but is the xbox 360 ulgy? or is it just me?
  14. jicw13

    jicw13 Member

    well i think after ps3 comes out...nintendo wii's gonna get crushed.
  15. well nintendo's always gonna have a big ass fan base... but I mean how many times can you re-invent super mario... but the New Super Mario for DS looks damn fun!!!. Like i said only games that may seem interesting for Wii would be like samurai, star wars light saber, and maybe a fishing game... Or maybe a Bruce Lee game and use the controller like NunChucks -lol.
  16. jonyblayze

    jonyblayze Active Member

    eh, only time will tell. its gonna be hard to actually crush a system that'll be less than half the price.

    hell yea its fun, specially the multiplayer stuff. only thing about that game tho, its jus way too short, i breezed thru it in a couple days. im goin thru it now to unlock everything.
  17. aww damn you got game >_<; so it does live up to the commercials -lol. Wait so how much is the Wii gonna be?
  18. jonyblayze

    jonyblayze Active Member

    lol..we jus had a slow week at work, more play time. they had announced that it wasn't going to be more than 249.99