Well, they are ZOMBIES to begin with, so a little more scratches here and there won't hurt -innocent And most likely I don't play when there are people around, those creepy sound they make is distracting "OMG is there going to be a band of zombie behind that door?" (yes, and I am going to splatter their brain in a sec) "I am scared" (so go away already!)
lol all your girlie friends are like "AHHHH!!! A ZOMBIE LIKE THING IS ON THE SCREEN AHHHH""" THEY HAVE GREEN BLOOD STOP IT ALREADY!!!" lol while your like "hehehehe DIE!! DIE!! DIE!!! hehehe -dead -evil"
atleast the head is in tack for her to bash =D wiikey? so that u can play diff region games and *cough cough* pirate ones too
Yay, party with zombie motif! I'll refrain from bashing the guest's heads @reno: So that's the name? Wiikey? That's what I am talking about... anyone know details about it?? I wonder if it may interfere with updates from Nintendo and some such @_@b
yah its wiikey no idea abt interfering with stuff hafn't got one myself if anything, i'd get it after warranty =D i heard its abt $60 here (aust) + labour if u want, u can just solder it down urself to save labour costs but im sure theres some ppl/shops that do it for u i guess for me, main advantage is to play ntsc games since they get released like "years" b4 us =(
I won't worry too much of the NTSC games, hang on... NTSC? I thought it's SNES you are talking about @_@b I guess the best part is to be able to play pirated/burned games (there are games you NEED to play, and there are games you NEED to OWN and play). But I will sit back and wait a month or so and read further on the review first... just in case it does have some adverse effect on the Wii
Let me guess, you have a partime job as computer helpdesk And you need to blow some steam off after work