well its not really a secret unless ur partner agrees that it is.. isnt it? plus.. when girls tell their frens.. we dont discuss like guys do.. eg.. oh how good this was..that position.. wot she said n bla... girls generally talk more bout their own concerns!! yeah it is.. cos girls share everything!!! eg...(touch wood) if a girl had a terminal ills... she will tell her frens too.. but for a guy.. he'll most likely keep it a secret till the very last few days of his life! thats the diff between a girl n guy
i think it really depends on the two people involved; it's not just a girl or guy thing. i know a couple guys who speak to (and not limited to) their guy friends about their girlfriends. i also know girls (altho not as many) do the same. i think it all comes down to the people involved in the relationship, their cultures and backgrounds, and how open they are about everything.
Guys: "God damn, that night was fuken hardcore and awesome, i hit that shit so hard" Girls: "It was such a perfect night, he treated me tenderly and with respect" lol