OUTRAGE! Chinese drivers flatten little girl! [Warning, Disturbing footage!!]

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by robsh, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    China is now talking about being the next leading superpower country but shits like this happening everywhere in china
    these ignorant fools are a disgrace to a country with over 3000 years of history (not sure about this) and of how proud and prosperous our ancestors had lived
    most mainland chinese are now getting richer, but their standards hasnt impproved at all,
    and these peoples has fallen below animals
    just uncivilized and conscience rotten these people are, I feel so sad as to how low China has fallen to
  2. Peloi

    Peloi Well-Known Member

    RIP, shameful to be Chinese, we have grown in power but at what cost, what a joke.
  3. wilsonli

    wilsonli Well-Known Member

    Ohh there was a post of this already, my bad i started a thread about this also...moderators please

    And yeah im ashamed to be a Chinese after watching that video but also glad that i was born in the other side of the world so i could see the difference of cultures.
  4. pOtentiaLeaver

    pOtentiaLeaver Well-Known Member

    think it costs less paying for a died person than paying for an injured
  5. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

  6. wow... that is some serious comment from the driver.. still no words to describe how these people were taught
  7. spider-man

    spider-man Well-Known Member

    This is terrible.
  8. Omg... Swear my heart stopped :(
    Couldnt even watch all of it after seeing the first driver just run her over like that...
    WTF man... Seriously!! She's lying there and u can see shes struggling and its not like u didnt see her!!
    Fukin disgusting!!
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

  10. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    what's wrong with people these days?!?!?! OMG! If the first guy saw her - I reckon she would have lived! :( omg - this is just soo sad! and wtf were their parents upto?!?!?! jeez.

    This just reminded me something like this happened a while ago in Cardiff! When me and my family was looking for the bus stop to see where the megabus stop and then all we heard was this taxi driver shouting "there's a baby on the road" turned around and omg this girl (looked around the same age as yue yue) just wandering on the road!! So my mum quickly went to get her and like asking where's your mum.. but she didn't say anything. Then we was just looking around to see where their parents are. Later another couple came to help us and they just assume that the parents was in the pub! And yess, they were!! OMG! What's wrong parents these days!!

    So you can see the difference between here and China!! can't believe no-one helped her!!
  11. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Its really nice to see a lot of people (stranger) that supports her.
  12. homoloto

    homoloto Well-Known Member

    the reason why only the garbage collector saved the little gal is just because she is poor and she cant be riped off . There are so many traps back in China like this around canton or some kinda areas alike.
    R.I.P. the little gal, i hope the government can do sth after all this kinda shit...........
  13. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    Agreeable. China will never be a super power because of this. The common ground of not helping another person is why its society will never unify as one. It also represents how greedy, corrupted and twisted people are in that area experience very similar things.

    It's so sad. I stopped and paused to reflect upon things... RIP
  14. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    wahhh......this was so saddd...made me cryyy...-cry2...

    watched the 2nd clippp that kodak postedd....the fam even knew the passerby'ers..too...:(
  15. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    Dont think ill be watching this, but its a sad thing
  16. superviper

    superviper Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness, how can those people walk by and doing nothing, what's wrong with them? I believe China has to start to educate their own people.
  17. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I recently came back from China and I must admit, our tour bus passed by an accident scene where a man laid dead on the road yet no one was around to help out. I wish I could do something but it was beyond me.

    I asked the tourist guide later and she said that a lot of such accidents happened in the area. When the family members came and couldn't find someone to blame, they would point their fingers at whoever around and expect them to compensate. The police force is corrupted and lazy .. no investigation .. just listen to the family and shit. So helping turns against you; better to stay away.

    This comes from a local so what can I say? As a tourist, I don't wanna get involved. Heartless? I don't know.

    I am sure most people who saw the vid would be pissed off and wished that something could be done; in reality, would YOU really wanna get involved if you're visiting the place. I think NOT. In places like China or most Asia, most ppl just stay the hell away. I am sure there are ton of cases out there that didn't get caught on camera .. injustices in China is an everyday norm ..
  18. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    Of course being a tourist is diff't, but the situation itself is just a reflection of the society there. As a tourist, I would shocked to see it myself, although I did see something similar as well. I saw an ON POINT OCCURRENCE where someone got hit at the moment and started to bleed. Everyone around went about their business. This was first hand seeing China for me and it really reminded how impoverished this country is relative to many super powers.
  19. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    I agree, but, it's not just the people. It's how they are conducting their daily lives and how they are making money ... disregard of humanity and sense of wrong from right. It's not just about this little girl ... it's about selling sewage grease as cooking oil, it's about selling poison as animal food, it's about selling toxic painted toys, it's about using human hairs as soy sauce, it's about melamine contaminated milk powder, it's about man-made concoctions of chemicals, gelatin and paraffin passed off as eggs, etc etc etc .. all in the name of profits.

    When will these people start to care and realized the crap they are doing is killing people? Or do they just care about $$$? Industrial country? Next superpower? That's one sad world if and when that happens ...
  20. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    This news ACTUALLY made it pretty big worldwide..

    Make the chinese look bad..