What do you think overall of this drama? This is very different than Ghetto Justice & i dont think the two are comparable. GJ is more on the funny side & TOT is more serious. Both are good. Ending leaves room for sequel, which i do like!
I'd say the overall story was good. It was good all the way, unlike GJ that kind of got carried away and kind of died abit in the middle.
It had a good pace throughout and the characters are less exaggerated and more believable than the ones in GJ which I prefer. But the ending somehow leaves me feeling a little unsatisfied. I can't pinpoint what it is exactly. Maybe this ending needs a sequel more than the ending of GJ. Still, I quite enjoyed this series, solid from start to finish.
I've said it and i'll say it again. One of the best ending i've seen in like 10 years........cant wait for ruco's next series...
i felt the ending is a bit rushed when it comes to the kidnapping scene...however I enjoyed the ending focusing on Louis and Crystal...thought it was cute and funny =) but yeh i really wish for a sequel with all of these cast back
New cases. Duh! Ending was rushed with the kidnapped scene. & ending with Louis & Crystal was funny, but i think its just something they added cause they have nothing else to film. Would love to see all the cast back.. but no Tai C!
Good series but some of the relationships were just especially wong cho lams girlfriend and that guy lol she couldn't act mental for shit lol too much screen time. And then everyone falling for tavia and all that and give us an inconclusive ending was really meh. Also natalie tong's acting cute the whole show was getting on my nerves a bit. But great performance by ruco just some court room scenes were chopped to the point where they seemed unimportant and rushed.
^ The inconclusive ending with Ho Yin, Ruco, and Tavia may lead us to another series. That's what they want.. is to maybe shoot a sequel
i actually liked this series and i like the cases , the lawyers were really passionate about the cases and it shows how the deal with things when they found out their clients were really guilty i was just not satisfy with the ending because tavia didn't choose either of the guys ;[ i wanted her to choose ruco! i don't think there will b a squeal to this series its just going to be more cases ...
Decent series overall, I wouldn't mind 2nd one, Keith was good, Kenneth makes a decent bad baddie, Tavia was out shined by the males, even her husband was more interesting. Leanne and her mum's story dragged for to long, she sucks anyway, also get Aimee off, she is even worse. The Indian actors were a plus, good acting, 8/10.
lol kinda happy they didnt go for the typical one guy gets the girl and the other gets another girl ending though.