aint no news on it... its all bout Promotshizzll in this bizzll fa shizzy... purple daffodil... yatch!
lol Ah Ha!! caught you red handed... surfin at the job again... I should report you to your "ham sup" boss.. -lol
hahaha... this boss is cool... he's not "ham sup"... i've only ever ran into one "salty pig hand" boss when i did waitressing at a chinese restaurant...
oh right... you've moved your way on up already... damn when I open up a restaurant.. I'll make sure to hire you... -devil... -lol
but we don't even know where Ecko lives... i hope he doesn't live in Africa... it'll b a lonnnnggg plane ride...
^ nah its a great idea and im looking forward to it hee hee -bigsmile ermmm... i htink i'll take the role of the bar please if thats going..... you can be the chef and make lots of yummy yummy soups and dawn can be the waitress.... hmmm guess i can do waitressing as well.... we'll see heehee