Hahhaa dude the MK was a bit weak... you can do better than that with mine... I liked raiden n Ang one was pretty funny.. -lol Vietnamese OG.... LMAO... hahahah
lol sorry dude ya gonna need at least 100 posts before you can be in it... lol what you mean?? whats tut tut?? -lol... that was the only quote that fit the picture... -__-; I think I made her too nice huh?? hahaha shoulda revealed the real BBear... ;
i kick major ass. first T hawk, then ryu, now this lightning dude i forgot the name.. still, i kick ass. LOL
lol not lightning dude... you're Sub-Zero dumbass... God!.... freakin'... idiot.... -lol we should come up with something else for personality instead of love/relationship...
>.< weak??? :( i tried my best, im not a street fighter junkie. i was gonna do a pokemon version, but honestly.. all the pokemon have the same personalities, with the exception of pikachu
lol sheesh.. I can't be nice to him all the time... -__- other wise he ain't fearless... n you don't need to know sf... just look at the pictures... -lol
1/2 of my quotes were made up by memory of what the members talk like. The rest were slightly tweaked to my amusement. I think yours was the only one I didn't tweak. You can be my slave. You know you want me.
lol yea what's up with that girl posing like superwoman... I don't think you match her physique... -lol
lol too funny. i'll make an exception and leave this thread here, instead of in the offtopic section -lol