lol who would volunteer their house for a party full of people that they may have met only once or never before!
i already knew how to hide it xD but i couldnt change it cause i was getting the server fatal error everytime i edit it until ang fixed it and i did 50 on purpose so some normal members can see how much fun Pa meeting is kekekeke, and maybe will join in the future party....definately not my place for sure lol, my dad would kill me hahaha. we can always use a karaoke room again lol ^^ x
Lo porrr!! Next time dun drink so muchiee aR My ears wont be able to cope with 'fan loi aRRRRRRRRRrr'
not like your any better lol at least when shini did it she was drunk. you startd the fan loi business even tho you wasnt drunk!!
LOL Well... It was a skill i learnt from my drunk lo por ah mah And it worrrrkkkeeddd!! Vinnieeeeeee!! FAN LOIIIIIIIIIII ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!
HING DAI!! FAAAN LOOII ARRR! xD to funny kekke awww missing all the fun in london man.. and to know.. i cannot be at the mini meeting :(
Sounds fun! Maybe I will be up for it Yes, I think we know, you told us during yum-cha @ joy king low Some-where? Ok, your idea, your place? Sounds good. Yes, I think we would miss you. Maybe you can swim here?