Haha, if you actually read every topic, by the time it reaches to the third page, it has nothing to do with the topic anymore >.< (Not trying to be mean or anything)
Back to topic ------> So I guess theres not much we can do about the people who download but dont contribute, except ban, but that prob take too long
^ i think there's less than that...probably only like 100 contribute, but banning the others will be quite mean...
For the money paying thing, asian fanatics has like... a paying system for their downloads after a while and stuff. If you download a lot. Well how about you have different wait... that would just make people start spamming. I was going to say have different member titles. Newbies, can't download till they have like... 100posts or something. But then again, many forums have people a thing where the download section has a password, and to gain access to that forum, you need to get a specific amount of posts, like the 100 posts and stuff. But then again, people would just spam to get the password. Eh, don't know. lol. But that's what I do. And... yeah. lol.
if pple like the forum.. no matter what they gonna post... but if they have their own agendas then... yeah. lol.