right am I'm rockin' metal gear solid 3 on a fifty inch plasma hdtv... and switch back here is a helluva lot easier...
ha... but really tho. big screen tvs are damn cheap nowadays... 42" is pretty damn big.. it's just that our living has like nothin... so a 50" just helps fill in the space -lol hell I can play games on my cellphone and it'll be way more mobile.. lol mobile to mobile...
Consoles are devoted to games and ONLY games and sure PC games are popular but graphics isn't everything. THe architecture in the consoles isn't the same for PC so that's why every game isnt on the PC. And I'm pretty sure not everyone will go out and buy a controller for their PCs. But yeah I love PC games especially MMORPG
You gonna base your specs for the console who's company is well known for pc... i mean you do know it's Micor$oft Xbox360 right!? I mean the first xbox was damn near a pc it's self and it was big as hell...
the consoles will never be headed towards PC gaming... because for one if it's in a console how is it gonna be PC gaming?? it may have some components of a pc.. but that's only so that it can be integrated with other devices... and besides how many PC's do you know which have a built-in blu-ray disc drive??
Its not hard to imagine consoles with built in consoles. I've seen several computer mods where people literally took apart their xbox, ps2, and gamecube and turned their pcs into this ultimate gaming machine. Of course, it always ends up looking like a large acrylic box of crap but its still cool.
a PC is alwayz better cuz of the upgrades. The best pc in the world beats the best console in the world hands down.
well show me a PC that can play X360 games and I'll say its the best PC... and just how much would you think the BEST PC in the world cost??